1644年 徳川幕府が諸藩から提出させた国絵図に基づいて作成した日本総図 ♪
北海道の松前藩もアイヌから聞いて書いたと思われる ♪
北方領土も描かれていて 日本固有の領土ですね ♪
で見られます ♪
Oh, this "Hokkaido?"
The total figure which I made based on the country illustrated map that Tokugawa shogunate government let you submit it from the various feudal clans in 1644 of Japan ♪
The Matsumae feudal clan of Hokkaido is thought I hear it from Ainu, and to have written it ♪
The northern territories are drawn and are a peculiar territory of Japan ♪
The photograph
is seen ♪
北海道の松前藩もアイヌから聞いて書いたと思われる ♪
北方領土も描かれていて 日本固有の領土ですね ♪
で見られます ♪
Oh, this "Hokkaido?"
The total figure which I made based on the country illustrated map that Tokugawa shogunate government let you submit it from the various feudal clans in 1644 of Japan ♪
The Matsumae feudal clan of Hokkaido is thought I hear it from Ainu, and to have written it ♪
The northern territories are drawn and are a peculiar territory of Japan ♪
The photograph
is seen ♪