Sasa (Sasa kurilensis aka dwarf bamboo) removal. Kudo et. al (2017) found that the rate of bamboo growth over the past 30 years has more than tripled in quantity here in Daisetsuzan. This is a threat to the alpine vegation, as the sasa out-competes the alpine vegetation by creating denser clusters, or "clumps" in order to thrive in such an environment. A denser cluster of dwarf bamboo means less resources for the alpine vegetation to continue to thrive. Winkler (2016) also found that the soil of areas with bamboo removal had slower dry out rates of the soil itself, which would be favorable for the high alpine vegetation. In other words, where there is dwarf bamboo, the soil becomes dry at a quicker rate, in which the dwarf bamboo is able to thrive, while the alpine vegetation needs the soil to not dry out at such a quick rate. Link to Kudo(2017) study. Here is a link to Winkler (2016).
ササ(sasa kurilensis) を刈りました。
Enjoy the indomitable spirit of the alpine vegetation and the complexity of the soil in it's role of what can grow here.
Today here are a few of the alpine flowers that are still in blossom.
シラネニンジン Tilingia ajanensis "false snowparsley"