I tried to installed the GDS2 and Tech2win software, when i connect vxdiag vcx nano gm with laptop, it failed me and asked for a new software license key.
Software won't identify vcx interface. (Error: E667481: Your license has expired or does not exist. M669298: Perform a Software Download (SWDL) or a security access to reflash your license)
Then i installed the vx manager driver, it gave me another source file corrupted error.
error images attached: solution:
There's something wrong with the installation procedure. Please re-download the GDS2 2020 via:!jN4lSYaA!5Q_p4sZEySxLu6HVPP418A
Then download latest VX Manager driver on official website:
Follow the correct procedure to install GDS2 & Tech2win software (No VMware)