There is vxdiag vcx nano Ford/Mazda 2-in-1 device whichw bought on Chinese 6.18 promotion. Naturally, this is a Chinese clone of the expensive VCM IDS dealer device.
According to the description- the device fully works with IDS software, and can also be friendly with any software that supports the J2534 PassThru standard.
I decided to diagnose and program module by myself. BTW, I am driving a Mazda CX-7 Turbo-fashion.
The package arrived on time. I got the USB version because I am not good at WiFi stuff.
They provides newer Mazda IDS V116.00 download resource as well.
The scanner has identified the car.
With the help of MazdaExtendProg file, he moved the trial period of coding and programming by 120 days.
Mazda Module Programming
I did not have time to do anything else, I will find the time, I will study the functionality and all the possibilities.
So far, everything is smooth, it works stably, the impressions are good.