東京都東久留米市のスキンクレーム零のエシカル&保湿エコ化粧品の株式会社ローザ特殊化粧料でございます。今回は、日本大学生産工学部のインターン後記です。恒例の英文もアップします。お時間の無い方は、ローザYouTube #Shorts 日本語版をご覧ください。https://www.youtube.com/shorts/LT087PwgwTk
I'm A from Saitama Chiba's Rikejo!
Today was the last day of my 10-day internship...!Before starting my first internship, I was very, very nervous. I was full of worries such as "Will I be able to make it through 10 days?"” Is it possible to make a good prototype?”However, Managing Director Kadoya kindly welcomed me with a bright smile, and all my worries were blown away.In the practical training, I was very surprised to be involved in the manufacturing and prototyping of products more than I had imagined.
The most impressive thing is that I was able to make a prototype of shampoo. We had to choose the beauty ingredients ourselves and make a prototype, but we had never thought deeply about beauty ingredients in shampoos, so we started by researching what beauty ingredients are. When I looked into a certain substance, I expected an attractive effect, and as soon as I got home, I checked to see if it contained that ingredient.
We had never had the experience of actually selecting and mixing ingredients ourselves, so it was a very fresh and interesting experience.During these 10 days, my interest in cosmetics grew even more and I began to think about what kind of job I want to do in the future.
I would like to grow more and more so that I can use what I have learned here.Thank you for 10 days ! !
#東京都東久留米市 #楽しい #エシカル化粧品 #日大 #インターン #工学院大学 #東京高専 #トライ&エラー #企画開発 #ウェルビーイング #美容 #美肌 #ヒント #化粧品OEM製造 #エコ化粧品
エシカル&保湿エコ化粧品 株式会社ローザ特殊化粧料
〒203-0042 東京都東久留米市八幡町1-1-12 技術研究所52号
TEL:042-420-1201(皮膚は1番) FAX:042-420-1214(皮膚良よ)