8月30日(月)は私達の学外研修9日目で、 無添加石鹸を作りました。無添加石鹸はナマコを入れたため、とて
I’m I from Kogakuin University and taking part in the internship at Rosa Special Cosmetics Co., Ltd.
On the ninth day, we made chemical free soaps. They have typical smell because they are made from sea cucumber. I made them three times because I made mistakes on second times. I don’t know why it happened and wanna know the difference. I don’t see finished products so I’m really looking forward to seeing them. It will last day that I take part in the internship so I am sad but I’ll do my best!
エシカル&保湿エコ化粧品 株式会社ローザ特殊化粧料
〒203-0042 東京都東久留米市八幡町1-1-12 技術研究所52号
TEL:042-420-1201(皮膚は1番) FAX:042-420-1214(皮膚良よ)