Sea Lupinus

Let's start a scuba diving at just before sixty years old

Thank you, Good Bye Mr.Gahaku (The master Artist), and See you again.

2014-09-23 23:00:00 | 日記

私に別れを告げて 背を向けて去って行ったあなた
沈みかける夕日の光景に溶け込んで いつの間にか立ち去ったわね
けれど この先も決して孤独に苛まれないという自身があるから 私は泣いたりしないわ
あなたは私の人生を導いてくれる 水先案内人のような光なのよ

必ずまたあなたと再び出逢ってみせるわ whoa
あなたの事は 今度 あなたに会うその時まで

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Ohagis and Beer with Tears and Repose of souls for A friend of Ours

2014-09-23 23:00:00 | 日記

We are paying our last respects to him, a deceased.

Ohagi, or botamochi, are sweet rice balls which are usually made with glutious rice. They are commonly eaten during higan periods in spring and autumn. The name, ohagi, came from autumn flower, hagi (bush clover.) Traditionally, sweet rice balls made during the spring higan are called botamochi which is named after spring flower, botan.