Sea Lupinus

Let's start a scuba diving at just before sixty years old

Diving Shop in Kasawari Lembeh Resort

2015-06-11 11:00:00 | スポーツ

Although finding rare critters is easier in Lembeh than in most other dive destinations, the Lembeh Strait is much more than just the renowned muck-diving capital of the world.

If flying gurnards, mimic octopuses, wunderpuses, a large variety of frogfish including the Straited and Painted varieties, pygmy seahorses, fingered dragonets, juvenile batfish, stonefish, Ambon scorpionfish, devilfish, stargazers, bobtail squid, hairy octopuses, blue-ringed octopuses, a large variety of nudibranchs or even Rhinopias, Weedy Scorpionfish and many other elusive creatures that are on your wish list, our experienced and knowledgeable dive-masters are dedicated to ensuring that your dreams become reality.

At Kasawari, we are lucky to have with us some of Lembeh’s legendary and most experienced dive-masters including Nuswanto Lobbu, Ali and Nonsix. Their combined experience from tens of thousands of dives will help to make your diving with us memorable.

Contrary to general perception, the Lembeh Strait also offers excellent wall, reef, pinnacle and even wreck diving (There are three World War II wrecks in the Strait) with good visibility – in fact all within just a few minutes of Kasawari Lembeh Resort.

Densely overgrown reefs and boulders, giant sea fans and soft coral, colorful sponges, schools of jacks, snappers, humphead parrotfish, purple dartfish, leaf scorpionfish, pink squat lobsters and even the remarkable boxer crabs await your discovery. During dusk dives, you will also be able to observe the fascinating mating rituals of mandarinfish.

The more than 30 dive sites of the Lembeh Strait are within easy reached of the centrally located Kasawari Lembeh Resort. The nearest dive site being just a stone throw’s away from our jetty and the furthest 20 minutes. After each dive, guests are whisked back to the resort for a quick shower, a down-load or a change of lens and relax comfortably during the surface interval.

Diving in the Lembeh Strait is year round. The Strait and it’s dive sites is protected by the mountains of North Sulawesi and by the ten-kilometer long Lembeh Island. Conditions for good diving are favorable throughout the year, with water and topside temperatures being cooler between July and September.