Sea Lupinus

Let's start a scuba diving at just before sixty years old

Flight for Singpore over the sea

2015-06-15 14:00:00 | 旅行

SilkAir is the regional wing of Singapore Airlines and currently operates to 46 destinations across 12 countries in Asia. SilkAir’s positioning as a premium, short-to-medium haul regional carrier gives it a unique appeal amongst leisure and business travellers. Whilst offering carefully selected meals, a full bar service and elements of inflight entertainment, SilkAir places great emphasis on providing attentive, friendly and relaxing service. The carrier’s regional flair is expressed through both its cabin crew and its cuisine – ensuring that your experience of the destination you’re heading to begins when you step onto the aircraft.

Flight from Sam Ratulangi International Airport to Changi Airport

2015-06-15 13:00:00 | 旅行


The capital of the province, the former stronghold of the Dutch and the cultural center of the Minahasa people, for a long time Manado prospered through trade with the nearby Philippines and the spice trade with the rest of the world. Alas, the bombings of World War II and the suppression of a local insurgency in the 1950s flattened most of Manado's older buildings. While by Indonesian standards still relatively prosperous, most visitors will be rather less impressed and head straight to the islands and reefs of nearby Bunaken. Unlike much of the rest of predominantly-Muslim Indonesia, Christianity is the dominant religion in Manado.