Sea Lupinus

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Steuben Grapes as Today's fruit

2015-10-09 06:00:00 | グルメ

Broccoli Sprouts

Steuben (Wayne * Sheridan).  From Cornell's Geneva, New York experiment station.  Big handsome clusters of large blue slipskin grapes that make excellent juice and are good eaten fresh.  Steuben's flavor is fruity and with a spicy character that is distinctly and better than Concord.  If it had been released soon after it's development, it might have been a star.  However, Steuben was kept in testing so long that when it wa finally released, seedless grapes had become popular, making widespread acceptance of Steuben unlikely.  Resists cracking. Ripens about with Concord.  The vines have good vigor and an open growth habit that mekas them easy to train.  Consistently has two good clusters per shoot.  In addition, Steuben has good general disease resistance and it will often have bright fall leaf color.  A paticularly nice grape for an arbor.  Hardy to at least -20°F, though some reports suggetst it's hardier than that.  Train it to condors and prune the spurs to two buds.