

Those Days Of Yesterday

Those Days Of Yesterday  SV-7103B
Rei Sekimori 作詞/Tadashi Yoshida 作曲/Hiroshi Takada 編曲
 歌 フランク永井

♪ Those days of yesterday
 Now, seem so far away
 These feelings of you near me
 I still remember you by

 Now I know I've been drifted to the shore
 And try to stand so tall
 When I see sand castles fall
 How can I ever forget you

 Those days of yesterday
 Yes, seem so far away
 Many nights of happiness we shared
 I still remember you by

 Now I know I've been drifted to the shore
 And try to stand so tall
 When I see sand castles fall
 How can I ever forget you

 Those days of yesterday
 Now, seem so far away
 These feelings of you near me
 How can I ever forget





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