Art gallery KinZo 2


People are coming and going 5244/行き交う人々 (2015年4月)

2025-02-22 06:02:14 | Drawing

I am now able to use the memory power of my smartphone to draw people passing by.

Roadside stall (Взморье)6345/果実を売る少女達(ブスモリエ/サハリン)

2025-02-21 05:26:35 | Drawing

Even now, they may be living a peaceful and modest life in the east end, far from the west end.

Passersby(January 2015) 6344 /行き交う人々(2015年1月)

2025-02-20 06:21:48 | Drawing

Like me, the models are probably 10 years older now.

At the coffee shop in the morning 5245/朝の喫茶店にて

2025-02-19 05:31:31 | Drawing

There are fewer and fewer places where one can smoke openly.

My cat Ponsk 6343/ポンスク(2004年12月〜5年3月)

2025-02-18 06:03:38 | Drawing

This cat was a very intelligent cat. He passed away on June 19, 2012, at the age of 11.