Piping installation work 6237/配管敷設工事 2024-09-20 05:24:47 | Drawing 仕事の成果が目の前で形になる点が机上の仕事との違いの一つである。One of the differences from desk work is that the results of their work can be seen right before their eyes.
Riverside town 5302/川沿いの町 2024-09-19 05:47:54 | Drawing この川のモデルは箕面市萱野から豊中伊丹空港南端を抜けて、猪名川に注ぐ千里川です。The model for this river is the Senri River, which runs from Kayano in Minoh City, through the southern end of Itami Airport, and flows into the Inagawa River.
Portrait of Mr.O 6236/O氏像 2024-09-18 04:12:19 | Drawing 後ろ姿は長い時の流れを写している。e back view reflects the passage of time.
Woman holding a mask 6234/マスクを手に持つ女 2024-09-17 05:45:35 | Drawing 最近ではマスクを外す人の方が多くなって来ている。Recently, more and more people are taking off their masks.
Woman having lunch on a bench5318/ベンチでランチする女 2024-09-16 05:11:46 | Drawing 小春日和の小さな公園で昼休み。Lunch break in a small park on a warm autumn day.