

《再掲載》 論文 ユニバーサルフロンティア理論(6)

2014年12月21日 | 究極理論
《section4》 Containment of three quarks  第四章 クォークの封じ込め

After Big Bang before the phase transition of the vacuum, triplet state of Nambu=Goldsotne complex boson gather in one place and become one like a crystal of snow. It becomes the η meson in the world of u quark and the d quark. I will speak η meson and the relations of the η' meson here. It is apt to be thought that one with the prime is excited state of the one that there is not, but I know that the η meson is double exactly when I let you add the mass of η' meson and the π meson and doubt it when η' meson is quarkonium consisting of s quark and anti-s quarks again.


[x] means x's mass.

[η]=547Mev, [π⁰]=135Mev, [η’]=958Mev, 135+958=1093=nearly 547*2

Higgs mechanism acted on the occasion of the phase transition of the vacuum. The σ model incorporated mainly on a σ meson as a false Higgs boson of 600Mev in substitution for a Higgs boson in the center, but I think that a Higgs boson confines three quarks together with the η meson in UFM.


The Yukawa meson theory was integrated with Weinberg = Salam theory in this way.


I think that universe boson material appears by UFM, not W boson, when CP symmetry of neutral B meson breaks spontaneously at decay, and can let the law of the conservation of energy that was the weak point of the Kobayashi = Masukawa model in that way establish at a level of Yukawa.


In a sense containment of three quarks was the phase transition itself of the vacuum, and it is thought that the Higgs boson with σ(or η) meson contains an old vacuum together with three quarks. In other words, a new vacuum gets away and wakes up inflation from an old vacuum in the theory of GUT, but it is for the vacuum that the outside is new and containing them inward inward inversely is the old vacum, I thought it from UFM.


Even if two quarks too much closely and universe boson material appeared by constituting things in this way, at the next moment it has just come back to two quarks and proton or neutron will be always safe from fear of decay. We never make imaginary fears that we collapse with the probability with the proton or neutron by all means like grand unification space, because universe boson material comes back to two quarks soon.


It is widely known that a quark with lots of quark condensations forms mass mechanism too, as Higgs'es one, and I think the vacuum expectation inside of containment is 344Gev, and outside space is 246Gev foretold by Weinberg = Salam theory.



This theory can let you progress as many as one likes from now on in this way.


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