English for apes

Sleep on firewood. Lick bitter liver. Expose test results.


2024-08-26 13:16:23 | Reading - local
I met several GenZs this summer. They are mix of Japanese and westerners.
I don't know recent indie bands, but Taylor Swift helped me to talk with them. I should have memorised some names before meeting them.

Why do Gen Z have such bad festival etiquette?
All Points East - APE

[quote] All Points East returns this weekend, after a stonking first installment from the 16-18 August [unquote]
stonking [Collins][British slang]of exceptional size or quality
installment [Collins]An installment of a story or plan is one of its parts that are published or carried out separately one after the other.

[quote] APE has never been better. The headliners received rave reviews, the production runs like a well-oiled machine [unquote]
never better
rave review [Collins]When journalists write rave reviews, they praise something such as a play or book in a very enthusiastic way.

infiltrate [quote] Now finally at the age to legally infiltrate festivals, they are gradually becoming our gig and partying peers. [unquote]

[quote] they really, truly, absolutely suck.[unquote] Indeed.
I didn't know Mitski is half Japanese.

brat green
What is Brat summer and did Kamala Harris just become its poster girl? How Charli XCX created 2024's new trend

Generation Z: born 1997-2012 - the oldest is 27 year old this year
Generation alpha: born 2013 - the oldest is 11 year old this year
Generation Y: born 1981-1996 - the oldest is 43 year old this year... daddy of GenZ teens and alpha



2024-08-25 01:46:45 | Reading - local
This weekend is a three day holiday in the UK. The opening day of the new celebrity pub was a great success.

'Jeremy Clarkson's pub is the highlight of our holiday'

hail [quote] filled with tourists hailing from Newcastle,,, and beyond.[unquote]
in store [Collins] If something is in store for you, it is going to happen at some time in the future.[quote] eager to discover what the former Top Gear presenter had in store for them in Asthall.[unquote]
-goer - pub-goer
forge [quote] he’s forged them a metal sculpture
inaugural < inaugurate > inauguration
spell out [Collins] If you spell something out, you explain it in detail or in a very clear way.
inadvertently < inadvertent
endeavour (accent)
document (accent)
razor thin
credit [Oxford][usually passive] to believe or say that somebody is responsible for doing something, especially something good
[quote]Mr Clarkson has even found himself credited as the reason for a huge rise in membership of Norfolk Federation of Young Farmers, such is the appeal of the programme.[unquote]
publicans (accent)
up and down somewhere [Cambridge]everywhere in a particular area, especially an area that stretches from north to south
[quote]as many publicans up and down the UK will testify, the pub trade has become a notoriously difficult one in recent years[unquote]

The Gradian article explains more details of the pub.
He’s hilarious’: Jeremy Clarkson fans flock to opening of Oxfordshire pub

reel from / fallout
[quote]Still reeling from the Covid fallout and high energy costs, barely a week passes without another pub announcing with regret its closure.[unquote]
punter [Collins] [mainly British, informal] People sometimes refer to their customers or clients as punters.
proprietor < proprietary
laud [Collins]If people laud someone, they praise and admire them.
fortuitous (accent)
on the dot [quote]at midday on the dot
overwhelm [Collins]If an organization or service is overwhelmed, it is unable to cope with the demand for it. [quote]The crowds were large but the site did not appear overwhelmed.
allude [Collins]If you allude to something, you mention it in an indirect way.
overflow car park
run-in [Collins]A run-in is an argument or quarrel with someone
venture [Collins]A venture is a project or activity which is new, exciting, and difficult because it involves the risk of failure.
piss off [Collins][informal, rude]If someone or something pisses you off, they annoy you.
roaring trade / do a roaring trade[Collins]If someone does a roaring trade in a type of goods, they sell a lot of them.
throng [Collins]When people throng somewhere, they go there in great numbers.

gammon steak with bubble and squeak
lancashire hotpot
steak pie with mash and gravy

my old man = my father / my old lady = my wife

I agree with the 25-year old girl said "He’s hilarious" and 11-year old girl said "I think Jeremy is just quite funny", even though I've never watched Clarkson Farm.

I've never had an Amazon prime account. Amazon deprives of time and money. The programme may help improving my English, but I'm too busy for real life. I'd rather not watch the video of the farm than visit to the actual farm.


2024-08-23 11:47:02 | Reading - local
Isle of Man! The Sea View hotel looks open for business as usual in the Google Maps, but no price shows at the moment.

China scam run from Isle of Man

murky [quote]he had no idea of the murky world he was entering when he arrived on the Isle of Man
scam artist
sporadic [quote]he would hear sporadic cheering from his new colleagues
persuasiveness < persuasive
beneficiary - sole beneficiary
whack-a-mole [quote]Trying to stop the scams is like a "game of whack-a-mole"
jurisdiction shopping = forum shopping

<Chinese words>
QQ - Tencent QQ - a penguin wearing scurf
renminbi - it's been a while to see this word.. I don't read world news...
Pig butchering scam

The trick of the scam is same as which has been happened in Japan. Amount is also similar or a bit smaller - 4.17m GBP for 12 victims.
Philippine is the backyard. Bill Morgan/Liang Langfei is Chinese "Lufy" - Imamura or Watanabe. They are fat as pigs.

head girl / head boy

2024-08-23 03:31:06 | Reading - local
Death in San Antonio. She was just 19 years old.
There are no words in the article but I wanted to memorise head girl.

Scottish student dies in fall from hotel balcony in Ibiza

University of Strathclyde - I didn't know it but it looks a good university. Franz Ferdinand and CHVRCHES! Glaswegians!
head girl - [Collins]The head girl of a school is a senior female student who often represents the school on public occasions.
in contact with (B1)


2024-08-23 02:59:53 | Reading - local
The victims who are attacked by aggressive dogs are not only women, old or children, but also male owners of dogs. A 33 years old man and a 53 years old man were recent victims.

Police hunt two American bulldog-type dogs after Birmingham man’s death

on the loose [quote]a number of dogs were on the loose
postmortem [quote]A postmortem is a medical examination of a dead person's body in order to find out how they died.
contribute [Collins]If something contributes to an event or situation, it is one of the causes of it. [quote]it was believed he had been attacked by at least one dog, which may have contributed to his death.
scour [quote]and are using our drone capability to scour the wider area.
markings [quote]a brown dog with white markings

Two dogs haven't been seized yet... Scary...

[quote] If it is confirmed that the dogs caused the man’s death, it would be the seventh fatality from a dog attack in the UK this year.[unquote]


2024-08-10 15:24:19 | Reading - local
GenZ don't drink alcohol. They don't have greasy foods. They choose healthier options. Older generations line on queue of ramen and donuts shops.

Smoothies and vegan food are the new pre-flight pint for UK holidaymakers

This article contains good expressions for writing, speaking, and drinking (in the UK).
e.g. [quote]Sales of alcohol-free drinks are up, but plenty of British tourists are still keen on the ritual of a pre-holiday beer.[unquote]
[quote]We’re going on holiday and there’s going to be a lot of drinking there, so we just didn’t want to get too tipsy.[unquote]

gut health - it's like sort of '腸活' words - gut health shots / gut shots
third-degree sunburn / third-degree [Collins]Third-degree burns are very severe, destroying tissue under the skin.
[quote]A breakfast pint at the airport is as much a part of the typical British holiday as third-degree sunburn and overindulging on the all-inclusive.[unquote]
eschew [Collins]If you eschew something, you deliberately avoid doing it or becoming involved in it.
'selfie-conscious' - google doesn't show the result of this word. It's not self-conscious.
tipple (BR) [Collins]A person's tipple is the alcoholic drink that they usually drink.
tipsy [Collins]If someone is tipsy, they are slightly drunk.
sugar crash
turn the tide [quote]It’s almost like that turning the tide with cigarettes
dead (BR) [quote]it’s dead easy to get something healthy, whereas not that long ago it was pizza and chips[unquote]
bland [quote]People don’t want a bland or overly boozy experience
odd [Collins] You use odd after a number to indicate that it is only approximate. [quote]had stuck to the same holiday routine for 20-odd years
smellies [Collins]pleasant-smelling products such as perfumes, body lotions, bath salts, etc

I tried draught Heineken 0.0 at airport lounges. I like them.
[note to self] Non-Schengen lounge 52 : staff serve alcohol / Schengen lounge 25 : self-service

[BR] draught beer [AM]draft beer


2024-08-01 18:58:02 | Reading - local
The knife attack caused further violence. English Defence League (EDL). It is said that Tommy Robinson and Nigel Farage whipped up the riot. Far right agitators.

Southport police brace for more violence from far-right ‘hooligans’

come to terms with [Collins] If you come to terms with something difficult or unpleasant, you learn to accept and deal with it.
set alight [quote]set cars and bins alight / a police vehicle was set alight
digest [quote]while many residents of the Merseyside town were attempting to digest the horror
in a bid to [Cambridge] in order to try to get or do something:[quote]in a bid to cool tensions
flare [quote] threw flares and cans
riot gear [quote] a line of officers in riot gear
violent disorder
article [quote] a bladed article.
whip up [quote] Farage had “whipped up” rioters
stir [quote]stir division
rally [quote] people rallied together to support Muslimresidents in the town
descend [quote]he had been “barricaded” inside the building with eight worshippers while hundreds of rioters descended on the mosque
uncalled for[Collins] If you describe a remark or criticism as uncalled for, you mean that it should not have been made, because it was unkind or unfair.
whatsoever [quote] There was no reason for it whatsoever
thuggery [quote] for the purpose of mindless violence, thuggery and hooliganism
unprepared [quote] the force was caught unprepared

Places where riots or violence were observed
Southport [quote]for the purpose of mindless violence, thuggery and hooliganism
Harehills area of Leeds


2024-07-29 21:33:38 | Reading - local

I like the story. He and his family's lifestyles are unique.

Man graduates 41 years after being denied ceremony by parrot problem



peer [Collins]Your peers are the people who are the same age as you or who have the same status as you. [quote]graduate with his peers in 1983

run [Collins]If someone gives you the run of a place, they give you permission to go where you like in it and use it as you wish. [quote]a parrot which, after being left unsupervised, had free run of their university accommodation

award degrees [quote]A long-since abolished rule meant that students with unpaid accommodation bills were awarded degrees but were not allowed to graduate.

waive [quote]After 41 years, the university decided to waive the bill

flat hat


represent - at - [quote] represented England at lacrosse in Portugal


It looks the margine or indent/indentation between lines in the blog editor has been changed.


hot spot

2024-06-01 21:55:20 | Reading - local
It's not difficult to grasp the outline of the article by skimming, but it takes time to look up words in dictionary.

Fly-tippers to get points on driving licence, Tories promise

words - a lot of B2 phrasal verbs

[quote] people are being let off scot-free up and down the country[unquote]
scot-free [Collins]If you say that someone got away scot-free, you are emphasizing that they escaped punishment for something that you believe they should have been punished for.
let off [Collins](B2)If you let someone off, you give them a lighter punishment than they expect or no punishment at all.
up and down [Collins](B2)If you move up and down somewhere, you move there repeatedly in one direction and then in the opposite direction.

[quote]The Conservatives have had years to get tough on fly-tippers and litterers but have failed at every turn.[unquote]
get through [Collins](B2)If you get through a task or an amount of work, especially when it is difficult, you complete it.
at every turn [Collins]If you say that something happens at every turn, you are emphasizing that it happens frequently or all the time, usually so that it prevents you from achieving what you want.

[quote] a Labour government would put 13,000 more neighbourhood police and PCSOs back on the beat, crack down on "those who cause havoc on our high streets"[unquote]
put back[Collins](B2)To put something back means to delay it or arrange for it to happen later than you previously planned.
PCSO - Police Community Support Officer
on the beat [Collins]A police officer on the beat is on duty, walking around the area for which he or she is responsible.
crack down on

hot-spot/hot spot/hotspot
[Collins]You can refer to an area where there is fighting, serious political trouble, or an outbreak of a disease as a hot spot.

frequently appearing
vandal > vandalism

Tory government doesn't spend money for local communities.


2024-06-01 11:40:17 | Reading - local
At first sight, the article is an easy short reading, but it contains interesting words.

No D-Day flights for WW2 planes after fatal crash

Sqn abbreviation for squadron
Ldr abbreviation for leader
Mayday [quote]It is understood he issued a Mayday call soon after take off and the spitfire was seen turning just before it plunged toward the ground[unquote]
epitome (pronunciation) ep-I-to-mee / the epitome of
personified < personify

I mixed up Mayday and May Day.
May Day always reminds me this incredibly intriguing video. It's awful 80's pop music, though.
The Safety Dance
The video is very England, but the musicians are Canadian. I found the wiki is interesting.

The article is about a death of a pilot, but I couldn't stop thinking about the dancing video.
[quote]His family described how he "lived his life with an unwavering passion with laughter, love and dedication".[unquote]
passion with laughter... He seemed a humorous guy. R.I.P.


2024-05-31 00:41:17 | Reading - local
Another critical fault of IT systems has echoes of PostOffice.
I'm afraid that the IT systems has been developed by Fujitsu... Aw, It's Oracle. Oracle Cerner.

NHS computer issues linked to patient harm
It's really important article but no words apart from technical one...

Freedom of Information : FOI
rock [Cambridge]If someone is your rock, you feel that you can depend on them and that they will always support you.
sickle cell disease
cerebral palsy (CP)
acute hospital < acute care
The Royal College of GPs
jigsaw[Collins]You can describe a complicated situation as a jigsaw
echo of [quote]He also believes there are echoes of the Horizon scandal at the Post Office.[unquote]
[Collins]A detail or feature which reminds you of something else can be referred to as an echo.
A&E accident and emergency
pulmonary embolism

I don't want to let the government connect my personal medical history to My Number in the government IT systems.
[quote]Introducing computerised records and making the NHS paperless is a government priority in England. [unquote]
[quote]“It’s not safe. It’s really not safe."[unquote]


2024-05-29 00:52:12 | Reading - local
I read the article because it was happened in Richmond. It looks there is one luxury men's watch shop in Kew Road, but it's hidden. I didn't know it.

Girlfriend pays emotional tribute to watch dealer robbery victim found dead

He died several hours after the assault...

next of kin
homicide <>suicide
Flying Squad
speak to [Collins]To speak to an issue or question is to speak about it or comment on it with knowledge and authority

I wonder if Sir David and Rick Astley live near the shop or broader Richmond where is well-known for celebrities.


2024-05-26 23:37:35 | Reading - local
Gordon Ramsay is absolutely right. I don't like the style of nouveau riche at traditional places.

Gordon Ramsay forced to tell diners to 'avoid shorts, tracksuits and hoodies' at flagship Chelsea restaurant

useful words I should master
toughen up - means the same as toughen
prominently [quote]features prominently on the restaurant’s website[unquote]
embodiment < embody
lofty - loftier - loftiest
office block

food etc.
Menu Prestige
chef’s table
culinary academy
22 Bishopsgate

Restaurant's words are useful for learning variation on expression.


Lycra lout

2024-05-16 11:59:51 | Reading - local
I found a word "lycla lout" from a comment of the readers in the article.

'Killer cyclists' crackdown planned after elderly woman's death in London's Regent's Park, minister says

horse-drawn carriage
relief [quote]The issue was thrown into relief when Kim Briggs was killed in 2016 [unquote]
furious [Collins]Furious is also used to describe something that is done with great energy, effort, speed, or violence.
mph - miles per hour
fractured skull
ditch - verb

bike words
lap - doing laps

Loads of proper names - policing minister =< Home Office minister, Sir Iain, Strava, Credit Suisse and James May!
It's very political. I'm skeptical of Sir Iain's ulterior motive. I want to support May but I sympathise with victims and the bereaved family on emotional level.
[quote] Cyclists groups, however, have long urged responsible riding around pedestrians and are warning against a disproportionate response as ministers step up pre-election rhetoric in support of motorists, including calls for local councils to ditch cycle lanes and low-traffic neighbourhoods.[unquote]

James May slams cyclist restrictions 'nonsense' as road safety debate rages

May says his average is 12 mph = 19 km/h. He is right.
[quote]The vast majority of people can't achieve even 20 miles an hour on a bicycle. [unquote]

During letting this post sit over night, another article of the same topic appeared in BBC.

Death by dangerous cycling set to become offence
Criminal Justice Bill will cover various criminals such as paedophiles, perverts who sexually abuse dead bodies... They are completely different from just disrespectful and irresponsible cyclists!

London transport: Call for ban of 'floating' bus stops
This article is also noteworthy. We have to be cautious when we get off the bus in London as well as walk in Regent's Park.

humm... This post can be categorised either politics or local...

toe the line

2024-04-20 12:53:16 | Reading - local
This is very Orwellian. We are just guinea pigs. I feel I'm just lucky to be alive.

Infected blood scandal: Children were used as 'guinea pigs' in clinical trials

medical words
haemophilia - haemophilia centres - United Kingdom Haemophilia Centre Doctors' Organisation UKHCDO
Hep C - hepatitis C - the potentially lethal viral infection hepatitis C
plasma [Collins]Plasma is the clear liquid part of blood which contains the blood cells.
cirrhosis - pronunciation
heat-treated Factor VIII / heat treatment
prophylaxis - This was preventative treatment, know as prophylaxis
von Willebrand's disease

administer [Collins]If a doctor or a nurse administers a drug, they give it to a patient.
contracted [Collins]If you contract a serious illness, you become ill with it.

cohort [Collins]A cohort of people is a group who have something in common. Cohort is used especially when a group is being looked at as a whole for statistical purposes.
[quote]Their doctor used his "unique" cohort of boys for extensive clinical trials.
riddled [Collins]If something is riddled with undesirable qualities or features, it is full of them.
plethora [Collins]A plethora of something is a large amount of it, especially an amount of it that is greater than you need, want, or can cope with.
[quote]There was a plethora of studies that we were all enrolled on for the decade we were at the school.
saline [Collins]A saline substance or liquid contains salt.
short window < window of opportunity
toe the line [quote]It would have meant their trials would have been flawed and so we, us kids, were made to toe the line.
infectiousness < infectious

I wondered why the "PUPs" or the "lab rats" were boys at first, but haemophilia is inherited genetic disorder and most commonly found in men.
The contaminated blood scandal in Japan was caused non-heat-treated blood products. This case was experiment of heat treatment.

This song was playing in my head while reading the article. We are the pigs. We are the guinea pigs.
The Butler's guitar and the music video are brilliant.

firing line [quote]We are the stars of the firing line
deceit [quote]But deceit can't save you