English for apes

Sleep on firewood. Lick bitter liver.


2023-01-22 20:04:12 | Reading - not classified
タイトルをみてどうせまたRupert Wingfield-Hayesがいつものようなこといっているに違いない、と思って放置していましたが。

Japan was the future but it's stuck in the past

America and Europe once feared the Japanese economic juggernaut much the same way they fear China's growing economic might today.

[..] how exquisitely clean and orderly Tokyo was compared to any other Asian city. Hong Kong was an assault on the senses, noisy, smelly, a city of extremes - from gaudy mansions on Victoria Peak to the "dark satanic" sweatshops at the north end of Kowloon. In Taipei [..] the streets thronged to the sound of two-stroke scooters spewing acrid smoke that enveloped the city in a blanket of smog so thick you could often see barely two blocks. If Hong Kong and Taipei were Asia's raucous teenagers, Japan was the grown-up. Yes, Tokyo was a concrete jungle, but it was a beautifully manicured one.

Japan had emerged from the destruction of World War Two and conquered global manufacturing.
丸暗記すべき一文。conquer something

[..]you could be forgiven for thinking Japan is a poster child for efficiency.

Inside I found a group of disconsolate-looking souls waiting for our punishment to begin.

Will Japan gradually fade into irrelevance, or re-invent itself? My head tells me that to prosper anew Japan must embrace change.[..]

日本の記事なので、内容はほぼわかるけど、何度も登場するのにちゃんと覚えられていない&使いこなせていないB1/B2レベルの超基本単語が多数。これじゃあUse of English間違う。
bewilder, prosperous, life expectancy, sublime, sluggish, implore, offspring, plump for, sleek, dubious, a traffic infraction, drone, resentful, mock, endearing, in unison, superlative, enchanting, oddball, veneer, blunt, sceptical, lament, absurd, extinction, hostility, waver, pejorative, fertility, eminent, surrender, overthrow, Meiji restoration, putsch, convulsion, conviction, aggressor, junta, yearn, American-imposed pacifism, pork-barrel politics, blight, pump, stronghold, bout of exasperation, stall, rifle through, fuss over


roam, pretext

2023-01-17 22:30:48 | Reading - not classified

Historic wild camping tradition outlawed on part of Dartmoor

He said they would now consider their position carefully before deciding on whether to appeal, and on what grounds and in the meantime would amend their website and other information they provide to people who are planning to wild camp on Dartmoor.
Use of Englishに出てきそうな言い回し。

"From the outset it was clear that this whole case had nothing to do with the preservation of Dartmoor's delicate ecology," she said. "Instead, this was always one landowner's naked attempt to find any pretext to roll back the public's right to connect with nature on national parkland."
from the outset/at the outset


Right to wild camp in England lost in Dartmoor court case

Right to Roam  Right to Wild Camp The Stars Are for Everyone 読解力もやばい

articulate, kneejerk

2023-01-16 00:54:21 | Reading - not classified

Andrew Tate: How schools are tackling his influence

Intelligent, articulate and disciplined - that's how secondary school teacher Charlotte Carson describes Andrew Tate, the online influencer who is a role model to many of the boys at her school in Belfast. But the problem is, she says, Andrew Tate is also pathetic, insecure, and promotes "Taliban beliefs" about how to treat women.

Ms Carson says the pupil eventually backtracked, and agreed they didn't quite see Tate as family - but the kneejerk reaction perhaps shows the desire to protect his status.



ahead of the curve

2023-01-12 21:17:16 | Reading - not classified
新年早々の大物の訃報。火曜に亡くなったということは。。David Bowieと同じ命日!

今日のTodayに登場したTimesのrock&pop criticの良記事。難しい単語は出てきませんが。
Jeff Beck: A virtuoso who just kept getting better

Legendary rock guitarist Jeff Beck dies aged 78
East Sussexに住んでたみたいです。若い頃に大きい事故にあったのにずっと現役でギター弾いてたのはすごいです。

Heart full of soul: the maverick genius of Jeff Beck, the ‘guitarist’s guitarist

The single that coupled Happenings Ten Years Time Ago and Psycho Daisies was impossibly potent and sinister, so far-out even by the standards of 1966 that it succeeded in alienating their fans – it barely scraped the charts in the UK – and the critics, one of whom derided it as an “excuse for music”. Not long after its release, Beck acrimoniously departed the Yardbirds. “They kicked me out … f..k them,” he waspishly noted during the band’s 1992 induction into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.
It still sounded ahead of the curve when it turned up on Beck’s solo album Truth two years later. [..]presaged the sound of Led Zeppelin, the band Jimmy Page formed from the wreckage of the now defunct Yardbirds. Truth beat Led Zeppelin’s eponymous debut into the shops by six months.

BBC Radioの音楽番組を聞いている途中に速報が入りDJがすぐに曲をかけたのと、
直後のNews番組での訃報がさすがBBC Radioという感じでした。短い中にもちゃんとNigel Tufnelに言及してたし。。
やっぱり一般的にはHi Ho Silver Liningみたいですね。criticsはShapes of Things。私も60年代のが好みですけど。R.I.P.

pathological, male chauvinism

2023-01-11 01:59:25 | Reading - not classified

Andrew Tate isn’t feminism’s inadvertent bastard child. He’s sexism’s last gasp

“In an age where any and all masculinity is pathological,” writes Patrick Hess at the Critic, “some boys and young men will find Tate’s brand of male chauvinism alluring.”

Take a look at the world’s more entrenched patriarchies – those countries where men still unequivocally hold the whip hand – and you’ll find just as many angry young men flocking to misogynist ideologues at the merest glimmerings of feminist progress.

It is true that women in the west are overtaking men in some subjects in the relative meritocracy of formal education.

We rarely ask how young women – barraged by street harassment, low rape convictions and a TV schedule full of dead, sexy female bodies – feel about their own “status”.

Well, like everyone else, young men are susceptible to the idea that they are special, deserving and that others are to blame for their problems.


Greta Thunberg ends year with one of the greatest tweets in history