
スパイシーチキンブリトー 🌮🍔🌮Spicy Chicken Burrito

2023-10-12 21:14:05 | B級グルメ






強力粉: 100g
唐辛子粉: 20g
水: 60ml
オリーブオイル: 大さじ1

モモ肉: 100g
醤油: 適量
ニンニク: 1個
塩コショウ: 適量
片栗粉: 適量
スライスチーズ: 8枚

チリソース: 適量
マヨネーズ: 適量
辛いスナック: 適量


Spicy Chicken Burrito 🌮🍔🌮

Recently, I was so inspired by the deliciousness that emerged from my kitchen that I felt the urge to experiment and gave birth to the Spicy Chicken Burrito.

To begin, let's talk about the star of the show - the spicy tortilla. I generously used powdered cayenne pepper to infuse it with a fiery heat and deep flavor. In a mixing bowl, combine strong flour, cayenne pepper, and olive oil, gradually adding water while kneading until the dough reaches a firm but flexible consistency. Wrap it in plastic and let it rest for about 30 minutes. After resting, divide the dough into two portions, roll them out, and lightly fry them in a pan. This yields the sensational spicy tortilla.

The chicken, taken out of the fridge, is seasoned with salt, pepper, soy sauce, and garlic, then left to marinate for about 15 minutes to lock in all the deliciousness. Coat the chicken in potato starch, place it in a heated frying pan skin-side down, and fry until it's perfectly crispy. After flipping it, cover it and let it fry over low heat for another 5 minutes. The crispy chicken is then cut into small pieces and coated with a harmony of chili sauce and mayonnaise.

Lay generous slices of cheese on the tortilla, add the chicken and spicy snacks, then wrap and cook until the cheese melts and the balance of spice and sweetness reaches perfection. This is the Spicy Chicken Burrito's grand finale.

One bite into this burrito, and you'll be amazed by its deliciousness. The crispy, spicy tortilla, juicy chicken, and the perfect blend of heat and sweetness from the snacks create a culinary masterpiece. Whether it's a holiday lunch, dinner, or a companion to your favorite beer, this dish is sure to delight. Give it a try, and you'll fall in love with its flavors!

Tortilla Ingredients
Strong flour: 100g
Cayenne pepper powder: 20g
Water: 60ml
Olive oil: 1 tablespoon

Filling Ingredients
Chicken thigh meat: 100g
Soy sauce: to taste
Garlic: 1 clove
Salt and pepper: to taste
Potato starch: to taste
Sliced cheese: 8 slices

Additional Ingredients
Chili sauce: to taste
Mayonnaise: to taste
Spicy snacks: to taste

I'm planning to open a restaurant soon, and I'd appreciate your advice. 😘😘😘
If you come across any dishes in the videos I've posted that you'd like to try, please leave a "like" or a comment. If there are dishes that you enjoy, I plan to add them to our menu. As a token of my gratitude, I'd like to extend an invitation to Japan for you and provide complimentary meals. Please consider participating in this giveaway and let's create an exciting culinary adventure together!

Here is my hideout⤵

Click here to watch the video⤵


新世代のバーガークランチラップ 🌮🍔🌮New Rice Burger Crunch Wrap

2023-10-12 21:14:05 | B級グルメ




強力粉 100g
水 50ml
塩 小さじ1/2
オリーブオイル 大さじ1

ミンチ 150g
玉ねぎ 1個
パプリカ 適量
チーズ 3枚
ライス 茶碗1杯

豚カツソース 大さじ2
ケチャップ 大さじ1
マヨネーズ 大さじ2
粒マスタード 大さじ1

New Rice Burger Crunch Wrap 🌮🍔🌮

Today, I decided to get creative with the strong flour I had stocked up from the supermarket.  As I contemplated in the bathroom , it suddenly struck me that I haven't had a good old burger in a while, mainly because the line at the nearest fast-food joint has been unbearable.  With thoughts of McDonald's filling my head 🍟🍔, I decided to craft my burger—yet, making buns from scratch takes too long.  That's when the idea for the Rice Burger Crunch Wrap came to mind!

Here's how you can make this next-gen delight

For the Tortilla:
In a bowl, mix strong flour, water, salt, and olive oil. 
Form the dough into a ball, wrap it in plastic, and let it rest for 30 minutes. 
After resting, divide the dough into two portions and roll them out thinly in a frying pan to make tortillas. 🌮

For the Filling:
Spread a generous amount of barbecue sauce on a tortilla. 
Layer with a patty made from ground meat, rice, cheese, sausages, grilled onions, and bell peppers. 
Fold the tortilla to wrap the fillings, and cook in a frying pan until it's crispy on the outside and juicy on the inside. 🍳

As a result, you'll have a Rice Burger Crunch Wrap that's crispy on the outside, juicy on the inside, and incredibly satisfying due to the addition of rice.  This creation is a delightful departure from the traditional fast-food burger, offering a whole new level of enjoyment.

It's perfect for growing teenagers, kids' snacks, lunch boxes, and late-night munchies.  Try making this easy and hearty Rice Burger Crunch Wrap for yourself! 🤤🍚

Tortilla Ingredients:
100g strong flour
50ml water
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon olive oil

Filling Ingredients:
150g ground meat
1 onion
Bell peppers (as desired)
3 slices of cheese
1 bowl of rice

Barbecue Sauce Ingredients:
2 tablespoons pork cutlet sauce
1 tablespoon ketchup
2 tablespoons mayonnaise
1 tablespoon grainy mustard

Enjoy your homemade Rice Burger Crunch Wrap and share the love! 🍔😋👍


I'm planning to open a restaurant soon, and I'd appreciate your advice. 😘😘😘
If you come across any dishes in the videos I've posted that you'd like to try, please leave a "like" or a comment. If there are dishes that you enjoy, I plan to add them to our menu. As a token of my gratitude, I'd like to extend an invitation to Japan for you and provide complimentary meals. Please consider participating in this giveaway and let's create an exciting culinary adventure together!

Here is my hideout⤵

Click here to watch the video⤵