
ふわふわサーモンサンドイッチ寿司 - 究極のお寿司の誘惑🍣🐟🍣!!Temptation of Ultimate Sushi

2023-10-22 21:08:04 | B級グルメ







サーモン刺身 50g
アボカド 1/2個
卵 1個
クリームチーズ 10g
桜でんぶ 大さじ1
海苔 1枚


Fluffy Salmon Sandwich Sushi - The Temptation of Ultimate Sushi🍣🐟🍣

Hello, it's Gyu Otoko! Today, I'm here to offer you the ultimate sushi experience. I'm going to share the recipe for a delightful, salmon-packed delight known as Fluffy Salmon Sandwich Sushi. This delicious creation is sure to satisfy everyone, from kids to adults. 😋

First, head to the supermarket and get your hands on the beautifully fatty salmon belly sashimi, which is a crucial part of the charm of Fluffy Salmon Sandwich Sushi. 🛒🐟

Next, retrieve fresh avocados 🥑, fluffy tamago (Japanese omelet) 🍳, cream cheese 🧀, sakura denbu (sweet pink fish flakes) 🌸, nori seaweed 🌿, and freshly cooked sushi rice mixed with a sweet vinegar dressing from your refrigerator. 🍚🍙

Once you have all the ingredients, lay out a sheet of nori seaweed and spread the sushi rice on top. Sprinkle the pink sakura denbu, which adds a unique flavor. Then, layer on the tamago, cream cheese, salmon, avocado, and sushi rice, and roll it all up in the nori seaweed. Your Fluffy Salmon Sandwich Sushi is complete. 🌯

The sweetness of the salmon's fatty richness, the tang of the cream cheese and sushi rice, and the lingering sweetness of the sakura denbu all come together to create the perfect salmon sushi. 🤤

This dish is easy to make and guaranteed to satisfy everyone, making it ideal for parties, gatherings with friends, and quality family time. Give it a try and experience the ultimate sushi. 🎉

50g of salmon sashimi 🐟
1/2 avocado 🥑
1 egg 🍳
10g of cream cheese 🧀
1 tablespoon of sakura denbu 🌸
1 bowl of sushi rice 🍚
1 sheet of nori seaweed 🌿

I'm planning to open a restaurant soon, and I'd appreciate your advice. 😘😘😘
If you come across any dishes in the videos I've posted that you'd like to try, please leave a "like" or a comment. If there are dishes that you enjoy, I plan to add them to our menu.  let's create an exciting culinary adventure together!

Here is my hideout⤵

Click here to watch the video⤵

一口で満足のショートパスタ🌯🌮🌯Short Pasta Burrito - One Bite Satisfaction

2023-10-20 21:09:40 | B級グルメ







ショートパスタ: 80g
ニンニク: 1片
オリーブオイル: 大さじ1
コンソメ: 大さじ1
塩: 小さじ1
バジル: 小さじ1
牛乳: 50ml
白ワイン: 100ml
バター: 10g
黒こしょう: 適量
ソーセージ: 2本
トマトの缶詰: 1缶

Short Pasta Burrito - One Bite Satisfaction 🌯🌮🌯

Today, we're introducing a convenient and delicious lunch idea: the Short Pasta Burrito. It's easy to make and, even if it cools down, you can simply reheat it in the microwave for a mouthwatering experience, perfect for a one-handed lunch.

Start by cutting sausages in half and give them a good sear. Unlike traditional preparation, this method not only saves time but also gives you that delightful crispy edge. Definitely worth a try.

Next, open a can of tomatoes and blend them together with garlic, olive oil, consommé, salt, and basil in a food processor. Pour this mixture into a frying pan, add milk, white wine, butter, and the short pasta. Simmer until it thickens and combines beautifully.

Finally, add black pepper and cheese to your liking. Once the cheese melts and melds with the tomato sauce, spread this delectable mixture on a tortilla. Then, add the sausages and more cheese. Roll it up.

After rolling, place it in a hot pan and sear the surface. The result: a Short Pasta Burrito with a crispy exterior and a gooey, flavorful interior, featuring the tanginess of tomatoes and the richness of cheese.

This burrito is perfect for a one-handed meal, making it great for lunchboxes, quick snacks at work, or when you're in a rush. It's easy to make and incredibly satisfying. Enjoy the deliciousness to the fullest!

Short Pasta: 80g
Garlic: 1 clove
Olive Oil: 1 tablespoon
Consommé: 1 tablespoon
Salt: 1 teaspoon
Basil: 1 teaspoon
Milk: 50ml
White Wine: 100ml
Butter: 10g
Black Pepper: to taste
Sausages: 2
Canned Tomatoes: 1 can

I'm planning to open a restaurant soon, and I'd appreciate your advice. 😘😘😘
If you come across any dishes in the videos I've posted that you'd like to try, please leave a "like" or a comment. If there are dishes that you enjoy, I plan to add them to our menu.  let's create an exciting culinary adventure together!

Here is my hideout⤵

Click here to watch the video⤵

簡単スパイシーチゲ鍋ヌードル🍜🍲🍜Quick Noodles ASMR Cooking

2023-10-19 21:02:02 | B級グルメ







春雨麺: 20g
豚肉: 50g
卵: 1個
ねぎ: 適量
ごま油: 大さじ1
茎わかめ: 適量
野菜: 適量

コチジャン: 大さじ1
ニンニク: 1片
醤油: 大さじ1
鶏ガラスープの素: 小さじ1
味醂: 大さじ1
塩: 適量
水: 300ml

Click here to watch the video⤵ 詳しいレシピは動画で見てください⤵

Quick Spicy Noodles

It's time to indulge in the explosive flavors of these quick and spicy noodles! This variation takes inspiration from a classic Korean dish with an array of rich spices and fragrant ingredients that make for an enticing bowl.

To start, thinly slice the pork into bite-sized pieces and cook them in a hot pan with a drizzle of sesame oil to enhance the flavors. Next, toss in a variety of fresh vegetables that you've retrieved from your refrigerator, cooking them together with the pork.

For this recipe, I've used onions, shiitake mushrooms, green onions, garlic, and a touch of green chili, but feel free to use any leftover vegetables or items you have on hand. Once the meat and vegetables are nicely cooked, add a mixture of gochujang, garlic, soy sauce, chicken broth granules, mirin, salt, and water to create a harmonious broth. Bring it all to a boil.

Once it's simmering, add the glass noodles to the pot and cook them until they absorb the flavorful broth. Finally, finish it off by pouring in beaten eggs and sprinkling fresh green onions on top.

The magic of this dish lies in the rich, hearty broth that's been created by the combination of fresh vegetables and savory meat. The noodles soak up the broth's essence, providing a delightful taste that's nothing short of spectacular. It's a comfort food that warms you from within and leaves your taste buds tingling.

Whether you're seeking a wholesome yet light meal during a diet, or simply a quick and delicious dinner option on those days when you don't feel like extensive cooking, this dish is a perfect choice. It's not only easy to prepare but also incredibly satisfying. Give it a try with the ingredients you already have in your refrigerator.

Ingredients for the Filling:
Glass noodles: 20g
Pork: 50g
Eggs: 1
Green onions: A handful
Sesame oil: 1 tablespoon
Enoki mushrooms: A handful
Assorted vegetables: To your liking

Ingredients for the Broth:
Gochujang: 1 tablespoon
Garlic: 1 clove
Soy sauce: 1 tablespoon
Chicken broth granules: 1 teaspoon
Mirin: 1 tablespoon
Salt: To taste
Water: 300ml

I'm planning to open a restaurant soon, and I'd appreciate your advice. 😘😘😘
If you come across any dishes in the videos I've posted that you'd like to try, please leave a "like" or a comment. If there are dishes that you enjoy, I plan to add them to our menu.  let's create an exciting culinary adventure together!

Here is my hideout⤵

肉テロサンドイッチバーガー🍔🍔🍔Meat Sandwich Cake Cooking!!

2023-10-18 21:33:38 | B級グルメ







食パン: 2枚
ミンチ: 500g
黒コショウ: 適量
玉ねぎ: 1/4個
チーズ: 8枚

マヨネーズ: 大さじ3
ケチャップ: 大さじ2
粒マスタード: 大さじ1

Burger Bomb 💣: The Ultimate Meat-Loaded Sandwich 🍔

Today, let's create a simple yet meaty and juicy sandwich burger that's a real flavor explosion. 🧨

In a frying pan, lay down two slices of bread 🍞 and place the ground meat  on one of them. Add sliced onions  and sprinkle some black pepper  on top. Flip it over and cook on high heat, ensuring that the bread soaks up all those meaty juices. Flip again, add a generous amount of cheese , cover it, and let the cheese melt to perfection. 🤤

Next, in a separate pan, take out the cooked patty and place it on top of the bread. Spread your special sauce  on the patty. Layer the patty, sauce, and some pickled onions . Top it off with the remaining slice of bread, and voilà! Your Burger Bomb is ready to enjoy. 🎉

This sandwich burger is all about the meat, meat, and more meat 🥩, packed with juicy flavors  and oozing with rich, melty cheese 🧀. It's a masterpiece of taste! 😍

What's more, it's incredibly easy to make, making it the perfect choice for sharing with family and friends. Let's savor the deliciousness of this sandwich burger together! 🤝

Ingredients for the Sandwich Burger:
Bread : 2 slices
Ground Meat : 500g
Black Pepper : To taste
Onions : 1/4 piece
Cheese : 8 slices

Ingredients for the Burger Sauce:
Mayonnaise : 3 tablespoons
Ketchup : 2 tablespoons
Mustard Seeds : 1 tablespoon

I'm planning to open a restaurant soon, and I'd appreciate your advice. 😘😘😘
If you come across any dishes in the videos I've posted that you'd like to try, please leave a "like" or a comment. If there are dishes that you enjoy, I plan to add them to our menu.  let's create an exciting culinary adventure together!

Here is my hideout⤵

Click here to watch the video⤵


エアーハートポテトチップス🍟🍺🍟Heartbreak Snacking Food

2023-10-16 21:34:13 | B級グルメ





ジャガイモ 2個
片栗粉 大さじ1
卵 1個

唐辛子 大さじ2
コンソメ 大さじ2
砂糖 大さじ1
ニンニク 小さじ1

Heartbreak Snacking Food🍟🍺🍟

Today, I'd like to introduce you to a special Halloween treat—Airy Potato Chips. These crispy delights are sure to add excitement and fun to your dining table.

First, prepare egg whites and potato starch, then wash fresh potatoes and slice them with the skin still on. Take two slices of potato, coat one with egg white and dust the other with potato starch. Now, stack them together and cut them into your desired shapes. Fry these slices in oil, and you'll have light and airy potato chips with a delightful crunch.

To finish them off, toss the chips in a mixture of chili, consomme, garlic, and a hint of sugar—creating a spicy and crispy snack that pairs perfectly with a cold beer. These Airy Potato Chips are easy to make and once you try them, you'll be hooked.

Next time you're enjoying some quality time with friends or family, be sure to whip up this exciting Halloween snack. These potato chips are a new level of deliciousness that you won't want to miss.

Potato Chips Ingredients
Potatoes: 2 pieces
Potato Starch: 1 tablespoon
Egg: 1

Spice Ingredients
Chili: 2 tablespoons
Consomme: 2 tablespoons
Sugar: 1 tablespoon
Garlic: 1 teaspoon

I'm planning to open a restaurant soon, and I'd appreciate your advice. 😘😘😘
If you come across any dishes in the videos I've posted that you'd like to try, please leave a "like" or a comment. If there are dishes that you enjoy, I plan to add them to our menu.  let's create an exciting culinary adventure together!

Here is my hideout⤵

Click here to watch the video⤵