
I'm So Sorry

2019-02-09 09:54:08 | 日記

 I often feel ashamed to be a Japanese citizen.

  Korean High Court ordered a Japanese company to pay damage to the forced laborers from Korea while Japan ruled it. Immediately Japan government and most of the media appealed against it, saying, “The treaty about compensation is over between two countries.” “It’s against the international law.” They never show any apologies or sympathy. And more hate to Korea.

I have heard and read about the people who were taken to Japan from the streets or fields, or had to come to Japan to make living. Many of them were forced to work so hard like slaves in the mines or munitions factories. Those companies made a huge profit and thrive even now. In my prefecture there are many sites those people worked, building a dam, making weapons, and so on. One of them is a cave excavated in the mountains. It was intended to be a shelter for the Emperor and his family, and the General Headquarters. They could be safe even if cities and towns were burnt down and citizens were killed. It was not actually used but we can learn a lot from it.   

 First of all, we have to apologize those people who had hard time and were infringed their human rights. But many of us don’t know, or don’t want to admit the facts Japan did to the other people. One of the worst is Abe.

I am so sorry to the people who suffered from brutality of Japan. I would like to live together with respect each other.  And I promise I will do my best to make this country a little better one for you and also for us, I hope you know that there are Japanese citizens who are feeling like me, not so many but not only me.   

