
I Feel Uneasy On a Beautiful Snowcovered Day

2019-01-18 10:29:58 | 日記

  On the Halloween last year, big mob made a fuss on the busy street of Tokyo. Some of them overturned a truck. After a month the police announced they arrested the guilty persons, It used the photos from surveillance cameras on the streets, railroad stations, and from the people’s smart phones. They could trace the offenders and determined them out of ten millions!  The police seemed to be announcing they have such a great technologies, so don’t do anything bad. “We’ll find you out. You can’t run away.”

    I read an article about Chinese children with IC chips on their school uniforms. They say it’s for their security. Some day people would have chips in their bodies like dogs and be monitored.  

    Today surveillance cameras are everywhere and we are always filmed. I feel uncomfortable with this. We are watched, listened, filmed, and checked up. By whom?


   Another topic.  I have written about Okinawa a few times. A young man started a hunger strike and this is the fourth day.  

What he is protesting is this. Okinawa is planning the voting to ask whether the people agree with the new US military base or not. But the government and the LDP are obstructing the voting, and some cities are claiming they won’t join the voting. At the same time the government is throwing earth and sand into the sea everyday though more than 200 thousands signs on the internet including many famous people says to stop the work until the voting . The young man says in the tent in front of the city hall of Ginowan, which is his home and is against the voting  ” I also have the right to express my opinion about the base. Are they such scared to see the will of the people? I will continue the strike till the city withdraws the decision.

I really admire his brave act, but worrying about him. Even in Okinawa, it is cold in this season. And we know cruelty of Abe government, which will never listen to the people against it. And it is the most sorrowful and vexing is thus Okinawa to be torn up.      



