US family visited Tokyo as their Christmas Holiday's Trip

2011-01-05 | with CIEE

The family came from Utah with their teenaged son & daughter.

 They only stayed one and a half days in Tokyo and then left for Singapore to get on ships enjoying 8 days cruising around Thailand and Cambodia


For their teenaged children, I took them to the National building of Parliament and visited Ozaki Memorial Museum and let them show the district of Nagatacho, Kasumigaseki,heart of this nation such as Washington US.


We walked for a long distance from Imperial Palace , Nijyubashi, Yurakucho, Ginza however It was such a nice weather to walk around the scenic sites here and there.

After leaving Ginza, we went to Akihabara, Meijijingu, Harajuku Omotesando.


I was very pleased to join and guide heart-warming family around the end of this year 2010 !!

Thank you so much !










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Unknown (Marcie Ewing)
2011-01-14 12:58:31
We were blessed to have Mariko as our guide. It couldn't have been better because my children, Mitchell 16 yrs and Morgan 14 yrs clicked with her and really had fun.

We loved how fashionable and how accomodating Mariko was as a guide. We look forward to coming back and we hope she will guide us again.

Thanks Mariko!!!

Love the Ewing Family - Utah, USA
こんにちは (SK)
2011-01-28 09:31:40