The Power of the Dream

The Power of the Dream

Insomnia often leads to diabetes

2018-05-29 10:40:57 | health

  1, Lotus lily lean broth

  Practice: 50 grams of lotus seeds, 50 grams of lily washed spare, cut 250 grams of lean pork into small pieces, together with water soup.

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  Fang Jie: Lotus is sweet, astringent, flat, into the heart, spleen, kidney, can raise heart, kidney, spleen, astringent intestines; lily sweet, slightly bitter, flat, into the heart, lung, there are Lungs and coughs, nourishing yin and clearing away heat, clearing the body and calming the nerves, qi and tone are moderately effective.

  Applicable to insomnia patients with neurasthenia, physical weakness, and palpitations.

  2, Bo Ziren stewed pig heart

  Practice: Put the appropriate amount of Baiziren into the heart of the pig, add water to stew.

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  Fang Jie: Bo Ziren is sweet, pungent, and peaceful. It can calm the nerves, ease laxativeness, and antiperspirant; pig heart is sweet, salty, and flat, and it can be used to nourish the heart. .

  For insomnia patients with congested heart palpitations and constipation. Wonderful recommendation: Four methods of conditioning for youth insomnia

  3, Acacia flower steamed liver

  Method: Dry Acacia flowers soaked with water for 4 to 6 hours, 100 to 150 grams of liver slices, and then put Acacia flower and liver together in a dish, add salt seasoning, steam cooked, eat pig liver.

  Fang Jie: Albizia julibrissin sweet, flat, into the heart, liver, spleen, can Shuyu, qi, soothe the nerves, active complex; pig liver sweet, bitter, warm, into the liver, can make liver, nourishing, Mingmu.

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