We were invited to dinner last night with a BIG (Mormon) family. They are such a nice nice family. The oldest son is a sophomore at BYU, the second is on a Mission in Peru, the third son is a Junior in High School, the oldest daughter is in 9th grade, the youngest daughter is in 6th grade, and the baby (?) boy is in 3rd grade. (whew!! ) The meal was delicious. Sunday is their family day so the kids stuck around the table after we ate and we all chatted together...young and old. It was fun blackberry phone covers.
As the hostess was cleaning up I asked if she needed help.
"Oh no." she said.
"Do you know what the best birthday gift I've ever received?" she asked.
"You mean you didn't like mine?" the oldest daughter piped in knowing what her mom was going to say.
"Yes honey, I loved yours but this was the BEST EVER Claire Hsu!"
"Mark (the 11th grader) gave me a certificate stating he would do dishes every Sunday and Monday night for a year. We all help clear the table and stack and soak the dishes and pots and pans in the sink and when we wake up in the morning the dishes in the dishwasher are all clean and the sink is empty. I'm telling you, it's the best!!"
Mark just smiled and said "Awww Mom!"
Yes, a really great family reenex facial!
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