About 6:30 PM my husband comes into my office and asks "Where is Maddie?" Maddie is our 1,000 lb weenie dog who is an escape artist.
So, we start hunting. and hunting. and hunting. Inside all through the house we checked every nook and cranny. Checked every burrowing place she likes to hide. Called her name in the garage. We have a pretty big back yard. We took the flashlight out and walked the fence line (we knew she couldn't get through a hole in the fence because she's 1,000 lbs), checked behind every bush calling her name and screaming "TREAT!!" That usually gets her running. She loves to go out and hunt at night and that's fine as long as we know she's out there. No Maddie storage solution.
We start over again. House..upstairs, downstairs. Garage. Yard. House. Garage. Yard. No Maddie.
My husband says "I think I'm gonna throw up." I said "We'll find her. She can't be gone. She's gotta be here. (Unless she escaped when you went to get the mail...I thought.) Wait and if we can't find her later, then you can throw up."
He leaves in the car to search the neighborhood. I call my daughter who's just gotten off work to search her route in the neighborhood on her way home. No Maddie.
At about 7:30 PM My Zhih Poo starts going crazy at the garage door. I said "Baylee where is your sister? You've gotta help me find her, OK?" I open the door and hear some whimpering. Baylee is running in the garage and then back to me. Back and forth. Back and forth Hong Kong Company Secretary.
Guess which 1,000 lb weenie has gotten herself trapped inside and can't back her way out? She heard us calling her name all along but was ignoring us (which she does a LOT...not that she's stubborn or anything ) because she was 'exploring.' Apparently she went out in the garage when I went out to do laundry and I didn't know she was out there with me and then got the door closed on her Cable manufacturer
I said "Madison Mae, if your dad throws up before he knows you have been found, you are in BIG trouble 亞洲知識管理學院."
The husband gets home, gets his panic attack in check, gets her back in the house from the garage and immediately gives her a TREAT. Now, is that how you reward a 1,000 lb weenie who ignores you? I guess it is at our house and best of all, throw up averted
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