The Power of the Dream

The Power of the Dream

Champion KSV officially renamed Gen.

2018-05-02 11:19:42 | Finance

  Officially announced the renaming announcement, in the announcement that the KSV club was renamed Gen.G today, all called Generation Gaming, and the Gen.G club is committed to creating a global competition, making a new and excellent gold standard for fans, and adding G.O to the domestic competition market at the same time. The heroic alliance champion team was renamed the Gen.G LoL; the PUBG team was renamed Gen.G Black and Gen.G Gold.

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  The management team of the Gen.G competition club is Kabam, a large hand tour development company that has successfully operated for more than 7 years, and has 400 employees in Beijing, and is also supported by well-known enterprises such as the Alibaba. With the entry of the mobile G.O, it also makes Gen.G's current team more complete, and its main mobile game, the Royal war, is one of the most influential hand tours around the world, believing that the future will lead to the development of domestic mobile competition.

is a new global art and design district located in the historical landmark,Culture and Craftsmanship which aimed to push a new frontiers in different segments.

  In recent years, with the fire of competition, more and more teams have joined the ranks of the competition. As the players naturally hope that this new sports can rise and rise, improve the level of competition at home, and make China one of the power competing power.

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