Are you interested in carrying yourself much more elegantly and harmlessly(!?) in Suriashi?
2011・Aug 4th 16:00~18:00
@Kyoto Art Center
(Free space)
admission free
Feldenkrais workshop
with Meyou Kobayashi
The feldenkrais method is one of the most popular worldwide techniques for body awareness/movement, used by dance and acting teachers around the world. trained in the US. Kobayashi Meyou will present a workshop on sliding-feet and Feldenkrais. Warm-up and cafeful preparation require 3 full hours.
The workshops includes lecture about how feldenkrais method works in performance and 3 awareness through movement lessons.
To know how to use sole of your feet efficiently while Suriashi-walk
To train expand the rage of motion of hip joint in walking and weight shifting on performing Japanese traditional theater
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