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【台湾】2014年5月16~19日International Somatic Movement Education Symposiumに参加します。

2014-05-12 | Staff diary





Movement Art Comapany






2014 International Somatic Movement Education Symposium

May 16-19th


In National Taitung University

Taitung, Taiwan

Pre workshop

Body-Mind Centering®

—An Introduction of the Primitive Reflexes,

Righting Reactions and Equilibrium Responses

9:45 – 12:30 AM and 2:00 – 4:45 PM

Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen

May 16th, 2014


Post workshop

May 17th, 18th, 2014

Embracing Hanna Somatic Movement Exercises

8:45 – 12:00 AM and 1:30 – 4:45 PM

Susan Koenig

May 19th, 2014





2014 International Somatic Movement Education Symposium

Registration Form


Birth Date: (Y, M, D) Sex: □ Male ; □ Female

Passport No.: Meal: □ General;□ Vegetarian

Co.: Position:

Tel:( ) Fax:( )



Payment for Programs:(pay your fee at door)

□ One-day pre workshop Fee $ 85 USD (Including one lunch)

□ Symposium Fee $ 150 USD (Including two lunches)

□ One-day post workshop Fee $ 85 USD (Including one lunch)

□ The whole program $ 300 USD (Including all above)

Service needed:

□ Hotel Booking

$ 60 USD per night (with one twin bed) including breakfast. I need nights.

□ Picking up and sending to the Taitung Domestic Airport

□ Picking up and sending to the Taitung city train station

□ Hot Spring Tour (please bring your own swimming suit & cap)

(If you need the transportation, pleased e-mail us your flight schedule to us as soon

as possible when you set it up.)

Personal Background:

□ Movement Educator (Pilates, Gyrotonic, Yoga or )

□ Dancers/ Choreographer /Dance Teacher □ Athletes/ Athletic Trainer

□ Physical Education Teacher in school □ Rehabilitative Therapist

□ Counselor □ Others:

1. Please fax or e-mail this registration form to:

886-89-239259 or somaticeducation@yahoo.com.tw

2. Pay the program fee while checking in at door.

3. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact:

886-89-239259 Ms. Jessica Wang or 886-912-998431 Mrs. Mei-Chu Liu

4. If you can’t attend the program on your schedule, please let us know one week

before the workshop. Thanks!


See you in Taitung!



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