2023-06-03 | 日記
帰り道 グランフロント大阪をぶらぶらしてたら こんなオブジェ?を見かけました
凄いインパクトで スタバのロゴを連想しましたが 関係ないみたいです
お天気も良く暑かったので 周りで子供たちが水遊びをしてました ♪
なんか 平和を感じるひと時でした (^^)
When I was hanging out around Grand Front Osaka on my way home, is this an object? I saw it
It is said that it is made of sand under the name "Sand Woman"
It had a great impact and reminded me of the Starbucks logo, but it doesn't seem to matter.
The weather was nice and it was hot, so the children were playing in the water around ♪
It was a moment of peace.