吉祥寺の公園行こうと思ったのに ジム 使わなきゃ、と。
ふたつき以上マッサージ受けてなく 恋愛もしてなく いけてない容姿なのに
動物顔のおっさん会員が わざわざ隣に乗り込んできたり、スタッフのストーカー
監視も酷く後悔 因みに本物のヤクザだよ、という男性会員に
彼らは スルー ジムスタッフ自体グレーヤクザだから、同類は目につかないんだよね。
公園で動いて 可愛い女の子とブランコデゥエットしたり、知的な女性と
セクハラ日本男お猿さんと書いたことで 手首打って青アザ
エジプト盗難の時 不備の書類でも直ぐ日本保険送金してくれた 嬉しかった
お猿はないわ それ?
バレエ 意地でもレベル上げない先生 わたし稽古はM入るから 鬼のような指導が好 き
青い鳥のポーズ わたしのブルーのtowelから見たみたい
踊れるように教える気無いのね 他ではやってないと関西弁で嘘。
I wanted to go to a park in Kichijoji, but I needed to use a gym.
I don't have a massage over the lid I need to be in love
Uncle members with animal faces can get in and out next to each other, and staff stalkers
Surveillance is also very regretful に For a male member that it is a real yakuza by the way
I met two people in the past, but I do not tell the staff because I am not a small woman
They are Thru The gym staff themselves are gray yakuza, so the same kind is not visible.
動 Move in the park Swing with a pretty girl or with an intelligent woman
か I should have had a conversation.
Because I wrote a sexual harassment Japanese man monkey
When Egypt was stolen I remitted Nippon Insurance immediately even with incomplete documents I was happy
猿 There are no monkeys.
Rude to monkeys
Ballet A teacher who does not raise the level even at will Since I practice M, 指導 I like teaching like a demon
Nii-chan has a wonderful technique, but she only thinks about his wife's hobby level
な い Don't get hurt!
鳥 Blue bird pose Like my blue towel
教 え る I don't want to teach you to dance.
店舗 I told you that the store where member women are is a little high
Category: Diary
in the past, but I do not tell the staff