フランス人ぽい 「どこからきたの?」
「南アメリカ 入隊したばかりだよ」...やっぱり フランス系だ。
ゲートあれだけ厳しいのに 税金の無駄遣いは自衛隊だけではないか。
女性兵士に近づく男性もいない 多分彼女らは日本男性を足蹴にるだろう。
男のことは忘れよう。後で見たら酷い表情 元彼その他のここで出会いそうな男
探してたら。 踊りに出るのね。
うーん、去年聴いて感動した太平洋バンド なんかいまいち。 コックでもARTでも
前より良くなってないと 落ちたと客は思う。
踊ってると まあまあ とおもえるんだけど
美味しいもの、美しいもの そして政治家の演説(笑)は一人か choiceしあっ た人と 味わいたいよね。なのにわたしは NO1男のスタッフ NO2 キモいおっさんか若い男 おじいさんが必ず真後ろにへばり付く。何度か移動しても。
だから 前へ逃げるわけよ。 わざとらしくぶつかったり、盗撮したり奴らは色んな芸を
今日は米兵にsexual harassmentされるかな、と予感が
ジープ、戦車 機関銃まで構えそうな雰囲気。
「もう帰って下さい」 放送 出て行け、だよね。
と言ってると黒人兵士が英語で 出て行けと怒鳴ってくる。話をしていると言い返し
ても 余計怒ってくる 仕方なく離れる 座り込んでる家族もいる、こちらから立つように 言ったら?
前は盗撮くずを追いかけた わざとわたしにぶつかり 逃げてった男が国分寺の交番に
前の男しつこい 何度も米兵にシャッターきったあげく、 バンダナを
彼らに向かって降り続けてる まさに日本男子の鏡。
挨拶無し、会釈もなしで突撃 虫でしょう。
「Serving the America is best!」810
立ち会いすら拒む日本男性 ベッドにはガンガン誘って来たのにね。
本当にエジプト人相手で危ないと訴えて 裁判所に来てくれたり、なんかあったら自分の部屋に電話しろ、 と助ける姿勢見せたのは たしかにアメリカ人男性
だった エジプト四年間で
今回 写真 動画を送って下さった方々 どうもありがとう
“I just joined South America.” ... I'm French.
“What about mobile phones?” “Because it is an overseas number”
If you ask a little
“I have to stay here all night.”
Isn't it just the Self-Defense Forces that wastes taxes even though the gates are severe?
Everyone is taking pictures with American soldier men, saying that
No one can approach the existing SDF
No men approaching female soldiers. Perhaps they will kick Japanese men.
Let's forget about the man. If you look later, you will have a terrible facial expression.
If you are looking for. I'm going to dance.
Well, the Pacific band that I was impressed by listening last year. Either cook or ART
The customer thinks it has fallen unless it is better than before.
It's a good feeling when dancing.
Delicious, beautiful, and politician speeches (laughs) I would like to taste with one person who had a choice. Nevertheless, I am the NO1 male staff, NO2 Kimo old man or young man grandfather always sticking right behind. Even if you move several times.
That's why you run away. ‘Crashing on purpose, taking a voyeur, they ’re doing various tricks
Because it will be set up.
I want a women-only seat
Watch fireworks in front of children
Today, I feel like a US soldier will be sexual harassment.
A US soldier came behind me while sitting in a cage with a child
An atmosphere that seems to hold up to jeep, tank, and machine gun.
“Go home now” broadcast, get out, right?
What is being driven. Dance voyeur was commissioned by a female staff member in Japan
When I say, a black soldier yells at me to get out in English. Talking back and talking
Even if I ask you to stand up from here, there are families who are sitting down, but they can't help but get upset.
Previously, a man who had chased voyeur waste and hit me on purpose and got away to Kokubunji's police box
Say it in.
The exit is very crowded
From the top of the building (this is the point), several Japanese soldiers are waving their hands.
Persistent man in front, shuttered many times over US soldiers, bandana
The Japanese men's mirror that continues to descend toward them.
Meet with two high school boys. A man ’s staff or a hard guy always comes to the side
Did you understand "maggot insect?"
It will be an assault insect without a greeting and no consensual.
“Serving the America is best!” 810
“Because I am a job now” “Do not approach the monarch's danger”
A Japanese man who refuses to witness even though he was invited to bed. *
European men who run away
It was an American man who showed that he was in danger of being an Egyptian opponent and came to the court, or if he had anything, call his room to help him.
In Egypt for four years
Thank you very much for those who sent me photos and videos this time.