Arm tension is possibly the most important aspect to good dancing.
Sometimes very firm arm tension is required, and other times, spaghetti-like arm tension is needed.
Followers and leaders, over time, should develop a good sense of when to have strong arm tension and when to be loose.
It is especially important in West Coast Swing to use different levels of arm tension depending on the figure (see Sensitivity exercise 3).
In general, firm arm tension is desired.
In general, the side to side motion of your arms should be connected to your body, while the vertical movement is free.
That way movement in the horizontal plane causes the follower to move or turn, while the vertical movement is free for underarm turns, etc.
You should not have spaghetti-like arms in the horizontal plane, or provide resistance in the vertical direction (other than in say, a death-drop).
Keeping one's arm loose to move up and down but firm in a direction in which moving it would turn your body is very difficult to learn.
Women who are learning alternate between keeping the arm too loose in all directions and too stiff in all directions, not realizing that they need a combination of both at the same time.
Trying to find the ideal balance between "tone" and "relaxation."
It is NOT an easy concept to integrate, even after one is consciously aware.
Something I think is helpful to get the proper feel in your arms is to face a wall from a distance an inch or so farther than your extended arms' fingertips.
Fall toward the refrigerator and PUSH yourself back to erect.
If you don't catch yourself soon enough or with enough tone, your nose will let you know.
If you push too hard, your feet will let you know.
If your arms are too stiff, your shoulders and/or neck will let you know.
Another general rule of thumb on tone:
When dancing, try to maintain the same level of communication between your hands and your partners hands.
That is, whenever possible, maintain an equal amount of pressure against (with) each other.
This makes both dancers extremely sensitive to one another since any slight deviation in pressure is a clear indication of what lead is being given.
There is a marvelous subtlety in leading and following that can be experienced if both dancers eliminate dead space in the communication that exists between the hands and body.
もし両方の踊り手が自分の手と体の間のコミュニケーションにおけるデッドスペース(tama注: 体の動きと手の動きが連動しない領域)を排除することができるなら、すばらしく繊細なリード・フォローを経験することができる。
Don't let the movement of your lower body interfere with the non-movement of the upper body.
That is, do not create noise in your arms when you move your hips or kick with your feet.
Maintain proper arm tension..." Don't be a "busy body" - a quiet body allows woman to distinguish leads, and looks much better.
アームテンションを正しく保つこと。busy body(tama注:体を不要に動かす)であってはならない。quiet bodyを保つことが女性に対してリードを明確に感じさせ、そして男性をより良く見せる。
Your arms are an extension of your body, not a separate entity.
Thus, your body should be responsive to anything that is done to your arms.
If you have spaghetti-like arms, you will not be responsive since you will miss indications from the leader.
You will miss these indications because they will be absorbed by your arms instead of sensed by your arms.
If you press your finger into Jell-O, it will just get absorbed, but if you press your finger against a rock, the rock will move.
Do not separate your arms and body (except in a few advanced figures)."
Close your eyes sometimes when dancing to really try to understand that much of this dance is done with communication in the body and arms .
(recall the tension tip earlier on arms and body not being separate entities)
Dance an entire song with your eyes closed and just try to listen to one another through your arms and body.
Don't do complicated figures, of course, but play around with different types of tension and listen to one another through your arms.
Typically, the word "tone" is used since the arms should not be tense, i.e. where extending and retracting muscles are both "on".
Instead, the arm should act like a spring with a matching opposing force either pushing or pulling.
Sometimes you have to react to a lead by simply moving, other times (boogie walk or jive walk in east coast swing) giving the exact amount of counter resistance.
This "connection" is a harder thing to quantify than textbook technique.
In order to overcome spaghetti arms many teachers use the word "resistance".
Resistance, while getting the immediate result, creates a whole new set of problems.
Any top teacher knows that arm "resistance" is wrong.
Instead of locking the biceps and forearm muscles to create resistance, a good teacher teaches to isolate the upper pectoral muscle which locks the entire arm in place eliminating the spaghetti arm yet making for a easily leadable follower.
Skippy Blair uses the term Action/Reaction which while partially explaining lead and follow, is more suitable than "resistance".
Skippy Blair(tama注:著名なスイングダンスの教師)は、部分的にはリード/フォローを説明するアクション/リアクションという用語を使う。その言葉はレジスタンスよりももっと適切なのであるが。
While many teachers teach beginners to lock the biceps & forearm muscles and pull, we (Enio Cordoba) teach that you lock the upper pectoral & lattisimus dorsi muscles while keeping the arm and forearm relaxed , pliable and responsive (toned).
多くの教師は初心者に上腕二頭筋と前腕筋をロックするように教えるが、私 Enio Cordoba (tama注:ブラックプール選手権プロラテン準々決勝)は、上腕と前腕を、リラックスさせ、しなやかで、かつすぐ反応できるようトーンを持たせたままで、上部胸筋と広背筋をロックするように教える。
In my experience, the stiffness or heaviness in a follower's arm is often an unconscious protective response to leads that are too strong and/or dangerous (or leads that are perceived as such).
For example I really dislike being led in a barrel roll on a crowded dance floor, because I fear crashing into my partner or being sent crashing into other dancers.
To paraphrase something Maxwell Ho once said: You have to *train* your followers to trust you.
Maxwell Ho(tama注:たぶんウェストコーストスイングのダンス教師」がかつて言ったことで言い換えると、「リーダーは、フォロアーがリーダーを信頼するように訓練しなければならない」ということです。
(I love this description) Personally, I like a good strong "breathing" connection for W.C. Swing.
Like you say, this does *not* mean rigid, but there should definitely be some sensuous push and pull to it 8^).
The woman's arm should be in a comfortable position, not overly extended (nor stiff) nor overly bent (nor too relaxed).
If her arm is fully extended, it's not natural nor comfortable, it's difficult to absorb shocks, it's tiring, and it looks silly. It's much better to have a slightly bent and relaxed arm position, not quite fully extended.
The man's arm position is similar.
Both have to have tone (if the body moves, the arm moves with it.)
Some say the default level for hands is the woman's center of gravity.
Where is that? About 2 inches below her navel.
Bev Donahue, a former International champion who now coaches pros and judges comps like the Ohio Star Ball, and other pro teachers stress the use of "short arms" in swing (and jive).
Bev Donahueや、彼は元世界チャンピオンで今はプロやオハイオ・スターボールなどの競技会ジャッジのコーチをしていますが、そのほかのプロの教師たちはスイングダンス(そしてジャイブ)においては"short arms"の使用を強く勧めています。
"Short arms" means never extend fully, always keep them bent.
"Short arms"というのは、決して伸ばしてしまわずつねに曲げているアームを意味します。
The angle varies as you dance.
"Short arms" look better and give you and your partner better control for leading and following.
"Short arms"は見た目が良くなるし、あなたとあなたのパートナーのリード/フォローのコントロールをより良くすることができます。
When taking a closed position hold you need to have balance and a stable frame.
A good hold must allow each partner to stay balanced and not interfere with movement down the floor
- Leaders, don't hold the lady like you are a vise
- a good hold must have some toned flex/give to allow adjustment inside the hold.
Especially in turns is it necessary for both partners to stay on their left side and not to interfere with their partner's movement.
In a good hold every partner has his/her own territory.
If you enter your partners territory you risk war (or at least crushed toes)!
Most dancers have gone through a spaghetti phase, followed by a stiff-as-a-board phase before realizing what the proper toned frame feels like.
The dance frame is the foundation of your dancing - "If the foundation is weak, the house will collapse"
Don't be a "busy body" - a quiet body allows woman to distinguish leads, and looks much better.
A stable frame is important because it maximizes the couple's signal-to-noise ratio - maximizes the amount of useful information that can be transmitted between their bodies.
When the man leads, he prefaces all his steps with his momentum;
for example, if he plans to step left on count 1, he puts his body weight a tiny bit leftward, a tiny fraction of a second before count 1.
In this way, he tells the woman where to step next, so that she can step as much with him as possible.
But if either of the partners has a soft, spaghetti-like frame, the man's momentum can't be transmitted to the woman,
because there's no conduit - no solid connection between their bodies - for the information to travel along.
In other words, the connection between them is so noisy that the signal gets lost.
Try this exercise: dancing either rumba or mambo, randomly switch between basics and cucarachas.
Just before you switch, put your weight in the direction you're about to travel, almost enough to fall over.
(No, in real dancing you don't put so much weight into it; this is just an illustration.)
Can you see how your partner would feel that? That's what I'm talking about, only subtler.
On the other hand, it's also bad to have *too* firm a frame,
because then you either can't lead properly or can't react properly and you will always be throwing yourself and your partner off balance
because there is no give to it - and you'll look like a mechanical robot.
For example, if your firm frame extends all the way down your torso, you'll have a very difficult time stepping outside partner,
because you're trying to keep not only your shoulders but also your navels parallel.
Kathryn Schaffer defines frame as "the minimum tone required to achieve position and maintain it."
toneという英語の原義は、「外部からの影響により変形しても元の形に復元する性質ないしその程度」と考えると、より理解しやすい。日本語で言うと、剛性 ⇔ 弾性/復元性 ⇔ 可塑性というという比較関係において、中間的な位置にある「弾性/復元性」の程度と考えればよい。
How are you to lead or read a lead without a good frame?
When a leader moves my hand, he isn't just moving my hand, but he is moving all of me.
If we don't maintain a good frame, body leads won't work either.
In Beth Emerson's class on Lady's Styling, the point she kept emphasizing was that what we usually think of as good "styling" is really a matter of good "technique".
That if we follow a few simple technique rules, we will automatically look like we have good styling.
The number one rule, for both leaders and followers, being: Never break your frame!!