同音異義語に要注意 - Be careful of Homonyms
rabbet a groove cut in a board
rabbit small mammal
rack shelf
wrack wreckage
racket illegal moneymaking scheme
racquet woven bat for tennis
rain precipitation
reign sovereign rule
rein horse's steering wheel
raise elevate
rays thin beams of light
raze to tear down completely
"raise" is the antonym of "raze"
rap a sharp knock
wrap to encase in cloth
rapped knocked sharply
rapt spellbound
wrapped encased in cloth
ray arrow of light
re musical note
read having knowledge from reading
red a primary color
read to get the meaning by looking
rede advice
reed tall, thin water plant
reading what you are doing now
reeding a small semicylindrical moulding or ornamentation
reads gets the meaning by looking
reeds more than one aquatic plant
real authentic
reel armature for winding
recede to move backward
reseed to plant again
reck to care
wreck a ruin
reek smells bad
wreak to inflict
resinate to impregnate with resin
resonate sympathetic vibration
resisters protesters
resistors electrical restrictors
rest stop working
wrest take away
retch call Ralph on the porcelain telephone
wretch a ragamuffin
review a general survey or assessment
revue a series of theatrical sketches or songs
rheum watery discharge of mucous
room partitioned space
rheumy having a watery discharge of mucous
roomie colloquialism for "roommate"
roomy lots of space
rho seventeenth letter of Greek alphabet
roe fish eggs
row aisle; pull an oar
rhumb a constant compass direction
rum liquor distilled from sugar cane
rhyme a verse with regular recurrence of sounds
rime frost
rigger one who rigs
rigor discipline
right correct
rite ritual
wright a maker
write to inscribe
ring circle around your finger
wring twisting
rise to stand up
ryes varieties of grain
road a broad trail
rode past tense of ride
rowed to propel a boat by oars
roam to wander
Rome Italian capital
roil to make turbid
royal worthy of a king or queen
role part to play
roll rotate
rood a cross
rude coarse
roomer a tenant
rumor gossip
root subterranean part of a plant
route path of travel
rose pretty flower
rows linear arrangement
rot decay
wrought made
rote by memory
wrote has written
rough coarse
ruff pleated collar
rout to force out
route path of travel
roux cooked butter and flour
rue regret
rude impolite
rued regretted
rye grain
wry twisted
sachet a small bag containing perfumed powder
sashay to strut or flounce
sacks bags
sax short for saxophone
sail wind powered water travel
sale the act of selling
sane mentally normal
seine fishing net
saner more mentally normal than others
seiner one who fishes with a net
saver one who saves
savor to relish a taste
sawed cut timber
sod turf
scene visual location
seen past tense of saw
scent, see: cent
scents, see: cents
scull rowing motion
skull head bone
sea ocean
see to look
seal to close
seel to close someone's eyes
sealing, see: ceiling
seam row of stitches
seem appears
seamen sailors
semen male discharge
seams more than one rows of stitching
seems it appears to be
sear scorched
seer a person who sees
sear, see: cere
seas oceans
sees looks
seize to grab
sects religious factions
sex if you have to ask, you're too young
seed, see: cede
seeder, see: cedar
seeding, see: ceding
seek to look for
Sikh Hindu religious sect
seer, see: cere
sell, see: cell
seller, see: cellar
sense, see: cents
senses, see: census
sensor, see: censer
sent, see: cent
sere, see: cere
serf slave
surf breaking waves
serge strong twilled fabric
surge forceful push
serial, see: cereal
series, see: Ceres
session, see: cession
sew needle and thread
so in the manner shown
sol musical note
sow broadcasting seeds
sewer one who sews
sower one who sows
sewer waste drain
suer one who sues
shake vibrate
sheik Arab prince
shall is allowed
shell aquatic exoskeleton
she'll contraction of "she will"
shill a decoy
shear to cut or wrench
sheer thin; abrupt turn
shears cuts or wrenches; scissors
sheers abruptly turns
sheave pulley
shiv knife
shoe footwear
shoo "go away"
shoes more than one shoe
shoos sends away
shoot, see: chute
sic to set upon
sick ill
sics sets upon
six whole number
side lateral
sighed breathed sorrowfully
sigh, see: psi
sighs multiple sad and weary breaths
size magnitude
sight, see: cite
sighted, see: cited
sights, see: cites
sign displayed board bearing information
sine reciprocal of the cosecant
signet, see: cygnet
sink to submerge
synch together in time
Sioux tribe of native Americans
sou French coin worth five centimes
sough soft sound
sue bring civil action
site, see: cite
sited, see: cited
sites, see: cites
slay kill
sleigh snow carriage
sleight cunning skill
slight not much
slew past tense of slay
slough bog
slue to swing around
sloe blackthorn berries
slow not fast
soar fly
sore hurt
soared to have sailed through the air
sword long fighting blade
solace comfort
soulless lacking a soul
sole only
soul immortal part of a person
some a few
sum result of addition
son male child
sun star
sonny diminutive for male child
sunny lit by the sun
soot black residue of burning
suit clothes
sordid squalid
sorted arranged
spade shovel
spayed to sterilize a female animal
spoor trail of an animal
spore single cell reproductive body
staid reserved
stayed remained
stair a step
stare look intently
stake wooden pole
steak slice of meat
statice an astringent herb
status position with regard to law
stationary not moving
stationery writing paper
steal take unlawfully
steel iron alloy
step a measure taken
steppe a level, grassy, unforested plain
stile narrow passage
style mode
stoop a small porch
stoup a drinking cup
storey the horizontal divisions of a building
story a narrative tale
straight not crooked
strait narrow waterway
succor relief
sucker one who sucks
suede split leather
swayed curved; convinced
suite ensemble
sweet sugary
summary precis
summery like summer
sundae ice cream with syrup on it
Sunday first day of the week
symbol, see: cymbal
tach short for tachometer
tack small nail
tacks small nails
tax governmental tithe
tail spinal appendage
tale story
tailer one who hauls in on a ship's line
tailor one who makes clothes
taper wedge-shaped
tapir hoglike, Malaysian mammal
tare allowance for the weight of packing materials
tear to rip
taught past tense of teach
taut stretched tight
tea herbal infusion
tee golfball prop
ti musical note
team a group working together
teem to swarm
teaming a fortuitous pairing
teeming a swarming
tear eyeball lubricant
tier a horizontal row
teas more than one herbal infusion
tease tantalize
tees more than one tee
tenner English slang for a ten pound note
tenor tendency
tense nervous
tents more than one temporary shelter
tern a shorebird
terne alloy of lead and tin
turn rotate
Thai from Thailand
tie a draw
the denoting persons already mentioned
thee objective case of thou
their belonging to them
there a place
they're contraction of "they are"
threw to propel by hand
through from end to end
throe a spasm of pain
throw to discharge through the air
throes spasms of pain
throws discharging through the air
throne the royal seat
thrown was hurled
thyme herb
time natures way of keeping everything from happening at once
tic twitch
tick small noise; parasitic bug
ticks the sounds of a clock
tics more than one twitch
tide periodic ebb and flow of oceans
tied passed tense of tie
tighten to make tighter
titan a giant
timber wood for building
timbre musical quality
tire round, rubber things on your car
tyer one who ties
to toward
too also
two a couple
toad frog
toed having toes
towed pulled ahead
tocsin an alarm
toxin a poison
tocsins more than one alarm
toxins more than one poisons
toe forepart of the foot
tow to pull ahead
told what was spoken
tolled a bell was rung
tole lacquered metalware
toll a tax or charge
ton 2000 lbs.
Tun a large cask
tongue mouth muscle
tung Chinese tree and its oil (similar to linseed)
toon cartoon personality
tune song
tort a sweet cake for lawyers
torte a sweet cake for kids
tough difficult
tuff a stratified, porous rock
tracked having tracks
tract a plot of land
tray a platter
trey three; Bill Gates' nickname
troop a company of soldiers
troup a company of actors
trooper a private soldier
trouper a staunch colleague
troopers several soldiers
troupers multiple actors
trussed tied up
trust faith
Unix, see: eunuchs
URL, see: e'er,
urn, see: earn
use, see: ewes
vain worthless
vane flat piece moving with the air
vein blood vessel
vale valley
veil gauzy fabric
vary to change
very extremely
verses paragraphs
versus against
vial narrow glass container
vile despicable
viol stringed instrument
vice bad habit
vise bench-mounted clamp
The "W" section is specially dedicated to Lem Bingley.
WACs members of the Women's Army Corps
wax candle stuff
whacks several blows
wade walk in shallow water
weighed weight was measured
wail a cry
wale welt; corduroy ridge
whale large oceanic mammal
wain a wagon
wane decrease
Wayne a man's name
waist between ribs and hips
waste make ill use of
wait remain in readiness
weight an amount of heaviness
waive give up rights
wave undulating motion
waiver contract for giving up rights
waver rocking motion
Wales Western division of UK
wales corduroy ridges
whales a pod of ocean mammals
walk perambulate
wok Chinese cooking pan
walks moves by foot
woks salient feature of a Chinese kitchen
want desire
wont accustomed
war large scale armed conflict
wore past tense of wear
ware merchandise
wear attire
where a place
warn to advise of a hazard
worn displaying evidence of use
warrantee one who is protected by a guarantee
warranty a guarantee
warship naval implement of destruction
worship revere in a religious manner
wary cautious
wherry light row boat
way path or direction
weigh to measure weight
whey watery part of milk
we us
wee very small
we'd contraction of "we would"
weed like how our flowers won't grow
we'll contraction of "we will"
wheel what we keep reinventing
we're contraction of "we are"
weir a low dam, or a fence in a river for catching fish
we're contraction of "we are"
were past tense plural of "to be"
whir prolonged swish or buzz
we've contraction of "we have"
weave to make cloth
weak not strong
week seven days
weal a skin welt
wheel what we in Silicon Valley continually reinvent
weald a rural area
wheeled having wheels
wield to apply or use
weather meteorological conditions
wether a castrated ram
whether if it be the case
weld to join metal by melting its edges
welled pouring forth
wen a benign skin tumor
when at a specific time
wet watery
whet prime
which selection
witch broomstick ridin' crones
whig supporter of American revolution
wig false hairpiece
while during
wile craft
whiled passing the time
wild untamed
whine annoying cry
wine fermented grape juice
whined past tense of whine
wind what you do to a clockwork
wined drank well of spirits
whirled rapidly rotated
world Earth
whirred made a whizzing or buzzing sound
word a speech sound
whit insignificant amount
wit cleverness; sense of humor
whither to which place, point, condition, etc.?
wither shrivel up
who's contraction of "who is"
whose belonging to whom
whoa equestrian directive to stop
woe despair
whole, see: hole
wholly, see: holey
whore, see: hoar
whored, see: hoard
why how come?
wye the shape of the letter "Y"
won, see: one
won't contraction of "will not"
wont accustomed
wood what trees are made of
would will do
worst least best
wurst sausage
wrack, see: rack
wrap, see: rap
wrapped, see: rapped
wreak, see: reek
wreck, see: reck
wrest, see: rest
wretch, see: retch
wright, see: right
wring, see: ring
write, see: right
wrote, see: rote
wrought, see: rot
wry, see: rye
xi, see: psi
y'all Southern contraction of "you all"
yawl two-masted sailboat with mizzenmast abaft the tiller
yack informal talk
yak long-haired Tibetan ox
yew, see: ewe
yews, see: ewes
yoke oxen harness
yolk yellow egg center
yokes more than one harness
yolks an omelet
yore the past
you're contraction of "you are"
your belonging to you
you, see: ewe
you'll contraction of "you will"
yule Christmas
Sets of homonyms: 706
Homonyms: 1529
New words: 487
References: 114
Last updated: 2/15/1997
Go to All About Homonyms
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rabbet a groove cut in a board
rabbit small mammal
rack shelf
wrack wreckage
racket illegal moneymaking scheme
racquet woven bat for tennis
rain precipitation
reign sovereign rule
rein horse's steering wheel
raise elevate
rays thin beams of light
raze to tear down completely
"raise" is the antonym of "raze"
rap a sharp knock
wrap to encase in cloth
rapped knocked sharply
rapt spellbound
wrapped encased in cloth
ray arrow of light
re musical note
read having knowledge from reading
red a primary color
read to get the meaning by looking
rede advice
reed tall, thin water plant
reading what you are doing now
reeding a small semicylindrical moulding or ornamentation
reads gets the meaning by looking
reeds more than one aquatic plant
real authentic
reel armature for winding
recede to move backward
reseed to plant again
reck to care
wreck a ruin
reek smells bad
wreak to inflict
resinate to impregnate with resin
resonate sympathetic vibration
resisters protesters
resistors electrical restrictors
rest stop working
wrest take away
retch call Ralph on the porcelain telephone
wretch a ragamuffin
review a general survey or assessment
revue a series of theatrical sketches or songs
rheum watery discharge of mucous
room partitioned space
rheumy having a watery discharge of mucous
roomie colloquialism for "roommate"
roomy lots of space
rho seventeenth letter of Greek alphabet
roe fish eggs
row aisle; pull an oar
rhumb a constant compass direction
rum liquor distilled from sugar cane
rhyme a verse with regular recurrence of sounds
rime frost
rigger one who rigs
rigor discipline
right correct
rite ritual
wright a maker
write to inscribe
ring circle around your finger
wring twisting
rise to stand up
ryes varieties of grain
road a broad trail
rode past tense of ride
rowed to propel a boat by oars
roam to wander
Rome Italian capital
roil to make turbid
royal worthy of a king or queen
role part to play
roll rotate
rood a cross
rude coarse
roomer a tenant
rumor gossip
root subterranean part of a plant
route path of travel
rose pretty flower
rows linear arrangement
rot decay
wrought made
rote by memory
wrote has written
rough coarse
ruff pleated collar
rout to force out
route path of travel
roux cooked butter and flour
rue regret
rude impolite
rued regretted
rye grain
wry twisted
sachet a small bag containing perfumed powder
sashay to strut or flounce
sacks bags
sax short for saxophone
sail wind powered water travel
sale the act of selling
sane mentally normal
seine fishing net
saner more mentally normal than others
seiner one who fishes with a net
saver one who saves
savor to relish a taste
sawed cut timber
sod turf
scene visual location
seen past tense of saw
scent, see: cent
scents, see: cents
scull rowing motion
skull head bone
sea ocean
see to look
seal to close
seel to close someone's eyes
sealing, see: ceiling
seam row of stitches
seem appears
seamen sailors
semen male discharge
seams more than one rows of stitching
seems it appears to be
sear scorched
seer a person who sees
sear, see: cere
seas oceans
sees looks
seize to grab
sects religious factions
sex if you have to ask, you're too young
seed, see: cede
seeder, see: cedar
seeding, see: ceding
seek to look for
Sikh Hindu religious sect
seer, see: cere
sell, see: cell
seller, see: cellar
sense, see: cents
senses, see: census
sensor, see: censer
sent, see: cent
sere, see: cere
serf slave
surf breaking waves
serge strong twilled fabric
surge forceful push
serial, see: cereal
series, see: Ceres
session, see: cession
sew needle and thread
so in the manner shown
sol musical note
sow broadcasting seeds
sewer one who sews
sower one who sows
sewer waste drain
suer one who sues
shake vibrate
sheik Arab prince
shall is allowed
shell aquatic exoskeleton
she'll contraction of "she will"
shill a decoy
shear to cut or wrench
sheer thin; abrupt turn
shears cuts or wrenches; scissors
sheers abruptly turns
sheave pulley
shiv knife
shoe footwear
shoo "go away"
shoes more than one shoe
shoos sends away
shoot, see: chute
sic to set upon
sick ill
sics sets upon
six whole number
side lateral
sighed breathed sorrowfully
sigh, see: psi
sighs multiple sad and weary breaths
size magnitude
sight, see: cite
sighted, see: cited
sights, see: cites
sign displayed board bearing information
sine reciprocal of the cosecant
signet, see: cygnet
sink to submerge
synch together in time
Sioux tribe of native Americans
sou French coin worth five centimes
sough soft sound
sue bring civil action
site, see: cite
sited, see: cited
sites, see: cites
slay kill
sleigh snow carriage
sleight cunning skill
slight not much
slew past tense of slay
slough bog
slue to swing around
sloe blackthorn berries
slow not fast
soar fly
sore hurt
soared to have sailed through the air
sword long fighting blade
solace comfort
soulless lacking a soul
sole only
soul immortal part of a person
some a few
sum result of addition
son male child
sun star
sonny diminutive for male child
sunny lit by the sun
soot black residue of burning
suit clothes
sordid squalid
sorted arranged
spade shovel
spayed to sterilize a female animal
spoor trail of an animal
spore single cell reproductive body
staid reserved
stayed remained
stair a step
stare look intently
stake wooden pole
steak slice of meat
statice an astringent herb
status position with regard to law
stationary not moving
stationery writing paper
steal take unlawfully
steel iron alloy
step a measure taken
steppe a level, grassy, unforested plain
stile narrow passage
style mode
stoop a small porch
stoup a drinking cup
storey the horizontal divisions of a building
story a narrative tale
straight not crooked
strait narrow waterway
succor relief
sucker one who sucks
suede split leather
swayed curved; convinced
suite ensemble
sweet sugary
summary precis
summery like summer
sundae ice cream with syrup on it
Sunday first day of the week
symbol, see: cymbal
tach short for tachometer
tack small nail
tacks small nails
tax governmental tithe
tail spinal appendage
tale story
tailer one who hauls in on a ship's line
tailor one who makes clothes
taper wedge-shaped
tapir hoglike, Malaysian mammal
tare allowance for the weight of packing materials
tear to rip
taught past tense of teach
taut stretched tight
tea herbal infusion
tee golfball prop
ti musical note
team a group working together
teem to swarm
teaming a fortuitous pairing
teeming a swarming
tear eyeball lubricant
tier a horizontal row
teas more than one herbal infusion
tease tantalize
tees more than one tee
tenner English slang for a ten pound note
tenor tendency
tense nervous
tents more than one temporary shelter
tern a shorebird
terne alloy of lead and tin
turn rotate
Thai from Thailand
tie a draw
the denoting persons already mentioned
thee objective case of thou
their belonging to them
there a place
they're contraction of "they are"
threw to propel by hand
through from end to end
throe a spasm of pain
throw to discharge through the air
throes spasms of pain
throws discharging through the air
throne the royal seat
thrown was hurled
thyme herb
time natures way of keeping everything from happening at once
tic twitch
tick small noise; parasitic bug
ticks the sounds of a clock
tics more than one twitch
tide periodic ebb and flow of oceans
tied passed tense of tie
tighten to make tighter
titan a giant
timber wood for building
timbre musical quality
tire round, rubber things on your car
tyer one who ties
to toward
too also
two a couple
toad frog
toed having toes
towed pulled ahead
tocsin an alarm
toxin a poison
tocsins more than one alarm
toxins more than one poisons
toe forepart of the foot
tow to pull ahead
told what was spoken
tolled a bell was rung
tole lacquered metalware
toll a tax or charge
ton 2000 lbs.
Tun a large cask
tongue mouth muscle
tung Chinese tree and its oil (similar to linseed)
toon cartoon personality
tune song
tort a sweet cake for lawyers
torte a sweet cake for kids
tough difficult
tuff a stratified, porous rock
tracked having tracks
tract a plot of land
tray a platter
trey three; Bill Gates' nickname
troop a company of soldiers
troup a company of actors
trooper a private soldier
trouper a staunch colleague
troopers several soldiers
troupers multiple actors
trussed tied up
trust faith
Unix, see: eunuchs
URL, see: e'er,
urn, see: earn
use, see: ewes
vain worthless
vane flat piece moving with the air
vein blood vessel
vale valley
veil gauzy fabric
vary to change
very extremely
verses paragraphs
versus against
vial narrow glass container
vile despicable
viol stringed instrument
vice bad habit
vise bench-mounted clamp
The "W" section is specially dedicated to Lem Bingley.
WACs members of the Women's Army Corps
wax candle stuff
whacks several blows
wade walk in shallow water
weighed weight was measured
wail a cry
wale welt; corduroy ridge
whale large oceanic mammal
wain a wagon
wane decrease
Wayne a man's name
waist between ribs and hips
waste make ill use of
wait remain in readiness
weight an amount of heaviness
waive give up rights
wave undulating motion
waiver contract for giving up rights
waver rocking motion
Wales Western division of UK
wales corduroy ridges
whales a pod of ocean mammals
walk perambulate
wok Chinese cooking pan
walks moves by foot
woks salient feature of a Chinese kitchen
want desire
wont accustomed
war large scale armed conflict
wore past tense of wear
ware merchandise
wear attire
where a place
warn to advise of a hazard
worn displaying evidence of use
warrantee one who is protected by a guarantee
warranty a guarantee
warship naval implement of destruction
worship revere in a religious manner
wary cautious
wherry light row boat
way path or direction
weigh to measure weight
whey watery part of milk
we us
wee very small
we'd contraction of "we would"
weed like how our flowers won't grow
we'll contraction of "we will"
wheel what we keep reinventing
we're contraction of "we are"
weir a low dam, or a fence in a river for catching fish
we're contraction of "we are"
were past tense plural of "to be"
whir prolonged swish or buzz
we've contraction of "we have"
weave to make cloth
weak not strong
week seven days
weal a skin welt
wheel what we in Silicon Valley continually reinvent
weald a rural area
wheeled having wheels
wield to apply or use
weather meteorological conditions
wether a castrated ram
whether if it be the case
weld to join metal by melting its edges
welled pouring forth
wen a benign skin tumor
when at a specific time
wet watery
whet prime
which selection
witch broomstick ridin' crones
whig supporter of American revolution
wig false hairpiece
while during
wile craft
whiled passing the time
wild untamed
whine annoying cry
wine fermented grape juice
whined past tense of whine
wind what you do to a clockwork
wined drank well of spirits
whirled rapidly rotated
world Earth
whirred made a whizzing or buzzing sound
word a speech sound
whit insignificant amount
wit cleverness; sense of humor
whither to which place, point, condition, etc.?
wither shrivel up
who's contraction of "who is"
whose belonging to whom
whoa equestrian directive to stop
woe despair
whole, see: hole
wholly, see: holey
whore, see: hoar
whored, see: hoard
why how come?
wye the shape of the letter "Y"
won, see: one
won't contraction of "will not"
wont accustomed
wood what trees are made of
would will do
worst least best
wurst sausage
wrack, see: rack
wrap, see: rap
wrapped, see: rapped
wreak, see: reek
wreck, see: reck
wrest, see: rest
wretch, see: retch
wright, see: right
wring, see: ring
write, see: right
wrote, see: rote
wrought, see: rot
wry, see: rye
xi, see: psi
y'all Southern contraction of "you all"
yawl two-masted sailboat with mizzenmast abaft the tiller
yack informal talk
yak long-haired Tibetan ox
yew, see: ewe
yews, see: ewes
yoke oxen harness
yolk yellow egg center
yokes more than one harness
yolks an omelet
yore the past
you're contraction of "you are"
your belonging to you
you, see: ewe
you'll contraction of "you will"
yule Christmas
Sets of homonyms: 706
Homonyms: 1529
New words: 487
References: 114
Last updated: 2/15/1997
Go to All About Homonyms
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