雨の記号(rain symbol)

Korean drama "You're Handsome" Episode 10 (7)

Korean drama "You're Handsome" Episode 10 (7)

Taecyeon came to the clothing store.
She said, "Anything is fine as long as it looks like a woman. It's for emergencies..."
She looks around and she breathes.
"What kind of clothes do you like?"
A mannequin dressed in clothes catches her eye.
"Those clothes definitely make you look like a woman."
As he looked at the mannequin, Taecyeon's mind began to be filled with illusions like Hooni's.
At some point, the mannequin had turned into Minho.
Taecyeon's eyes are captivated by Minyo's figure and black outfit.
As I stare at him, Minho winks at him and sticks out his lips to invite him.
Taecyeon tilts his head and mutters with a dead expression.
"She's not my favorite girl"
He glanced at another mannequin. she stared.
"Pink clothes and lace? Femininity."
"Minho's figure appears again."
Minho blinks his big eyes and sticks out her lips lovingly.
Taecyeon was invited to laugh. But she mutters coolly.
"It's not my hobby"
I turned my attention to another mannequin.
Formal wear decided on in white.
"That's good"
"Minyo's figure appears immediately."
She looked at Taecyeon with a beautiful smile.
Taecyeon bent her mouth and took off her sunglasses.
“Okay, that looks good on Minam.”
She smiled at her with satisfaction.
However, in the next moment, Taecyeon was overwhelmed by a feeling of confusion.
"What am I saying! Emergency clothes or anything is fine."

Taecyeon walked up to the clerk.
"Give me that."
The clerk happily asked when the clothes were wrapped.
“You must be Hwang Taecyeon. I am a fan.”
Taecyeon bowed his head lightly.
"Is it Mr. Hey? He doesn't wear our clothes, but thanks to Mr. Taecyeon, he can wear them."
While receiving the copy, Taecyeon said to the clerk.
"I don't know... she wears whatever she wants."
Taecyeon left with a shopping bag.

Yoo Hei keeps calling Taecyeon but can't get through.
"You're going to freak out again, aren't you?"
closed her phone.
“Seeing that you haven’t contacted me… it seems like Minam is holding back as I said.”
The manager called out to me from behind.
"A small case is handed out."
“It was a tie-up item for a photo shoot, but I got it.”
"It was a ring."
Yu Hei took it out of the case and stared at it.
“It’s the couple ring you used in the PV.”
Yu Hei recalled the scene at that time.
"Even if I try to put it on, I'm sure you'll refuse..."
She muttered on her ring finger.
"I want to wear it..."
I put another one on her thumb and stared at it.
“I bought Minam a pin, but oh, how annoying!”


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