雨の記号(rain symbol)

Korean drama "You're Handsome" Episode 11 (9)

Korean drama "You're Handsome" Episode 11 (9)

"I can't sleep at all"
In the middle of the night, Taecyeon stood in front of the refrigerator.
"Is it because Minam left my room...or is it because of the environment?"
Close the door while pondering her thoughts. When she turns around, a big mouth suddenly jumps into her eyes.
Bird-eyed Taecyeon was astonished to find a hippopotamus.
However, if you look closely, she is Minyo's aunt.
"When did she come back?"
"I came back just a little while ago. Everyone was sleeping, so I quietly came in."
“I was surprised.
Go Mi Ja asked with sleepy eyes.
"What about Minam?"
"Isn't it your aunt's room?"
"No, it's not. Isn't it the leader's room?"
Go Mija took a drink from Taecyeon's hand.
"Drinking alcohol made her thirsty."
"Where in the middle of the night...?"

Minho came to the event venue where the preview was held.
He was ushered into the hall by a security guard.
"I'm sorry. It's really important."
"Feel free to find me quickly. Don't let anyone find you."
"Yes, thank you. I'll look for it right away."
As the security guards left, Minho hurriedly began looking for the pin.
He carefully searched under and between each seat. But it's hard to find.

He searched the dormitory, but Minyo was nowhere to be seen.
"Nowhere. Where?"
"Where would you go out in the middle of the night like this...?"
As he pondered, he had an epiphany.
"Could it be... No, I can't go looking for you at this time. Where is it? Speaking of which, what was he trying to say at that time?"
I was reminded of Minho, who showed a confused expression in the supermarket.
"I couldn't hear you."
Taecyeon's eyes turned to look into the distance.
"What were you trying to say?"

――I have no choice but to throw it away.

Taecyeon tried to imagine the words that followed.

--I...if I can't use it, I'll throw it away. Isn't it 3,000 won?

Behind his eyes, the expression of Mi-nyeo bending his mouth as if he had lost it.

Taecyeon shook his head.
"I won't take that disrespectful attitude. There's no such thing. Then--?"

--I'm glad I wasn't thrown away. I was embarrassed to wear it because it was cheap.

"After all, it's Minyo who shows a refreshing look after losing it."

Taecyeon shook his head again.
“I never hated it.

――I... can't be thrown away. That pin that my brother gave me is very important. I will definitely find it.

Taecyeon groaned without denying it.
"If so...if you went looking for it...why?"
Taecyeon's thinking always has a gaping hole in the most important part. Taecyeon has an opportunity to fill that void.
Taecyeon recalled the time when he talked about stargazing in Minyo's countryside. At that time, she was staring at me. She turned her eyes away when she realized it.
"No, he's not going to look for Shinu..."
Taecyeon unravels the questions that arise one by one.

The search for Minho's pin continues.
"Of course, there's no way you'll find a pin that shouldn't be there."
"I can't find you... you said you didn't clean..."
Minho stopped searching.
"Did someone pick it up?"
She doesn't want to believe it and starts looking again.

Taecyeon also came to the preview venue. In the end, she came here because she could only think of this place.
However, it was his vague feelings for Minho that brought him here, not his calm thoughts.
"No. He can't be here."
Even while standing in this place, his feelings were still wrapped in denial.
"I can't sleep, so I just left it to you to come here."

Tired of searching, Minho stood up. His back hurts because he's been in a crooked posture for so long. Minyo rubbed her back and sighed.
"Why not?"
Disappointed, he doesn't give up and crawls between his chairs like a worm.

Taecyeon stood in front of the hall door. he grabbed the handle. his hand stopped.
``Why are you nervous?
He boldly opened the door. The light is on inside.
Taecyeon stepped on his feet. He walks out in search of someone's presence.

However, Minho held her breath and hid behind a chair.


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