Potential of solo singer Suzy
miss A's Suzy reveals her promise to "take a selfie with her if she gets first place"
Is this really Suzy?
I can't believe she can sing a song like this...her voice has power.
What's more, I get the impression that she has fully grasped the spirit and emotion of the song.
When she was focused on acting and away from Miss A activities, I thought she would go straight for acting.
It seems that wasn't the case.
It seems that she continued her lessons without fail.
If she didn't, she wouldn't be able to sing a song like this.
Suzy's singing voice is not monotonous, but has variety.
It gives you a sense of the scale of her as a singer.
I'm sure she will be able to sing various songs from time to time.
She was born in 1994 and is still only 22 years old.
But she can already sing a song like this.
I wonder if Jiyoung (formerly of KARA) is inspired by listening to Suzy's songs. The two were once on good terms.
They may also have strong feelings of rivalry towards each other.
Whether this song gets to number one or not, Suzy is sure to grow not only as an actress but also as a solo singer.
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