1. Definite Major Purpose/Starting point of all achievements
2. Master Mind Alliance/Alliance of two or more mind in a spirit of perfect harmony
3. Applied Faith/Faith without works is dead
4. Going The Extra Mile/Great achievers go the extra mile while most people conform to mediocrity
5. Pleasing Personality/Your personality is your greatest asset or liability. It embraces everything you control, your mind, your body and your soul.
6. Personal Initiative/“You cannot be free until you learn to do your own thinking and gain the courage to act on your own Personal Initiative”
7. Positive Mental Attitude/“Nothing great was ever achieved without a positive mental attitude”
8. Enthusiasm/When enthusiasm comes in at the front door, worry runs out the back door.
9. Self-Discipline/Self-control calls for a balancing of the emotions of your heart with the reasoning faculty of your head.
10. Accurate Thinking/Accurate thinking is the foundation of all successful achievement
11. Controlled Attention/Controlled Attention is organized mind power
12. Teamwork/Harmonious cooperation is a priceless asset which you can acquire in proportion to your giving
13. Learning From Adversity And Defeat/Most so-called failures represent only a temporary defeat that may prove to be a blessing in disguise
14. Creative Vision/Nature yields her most profound secrets to those who are determined to uncover them
15. Sound Health/The mind and the body are so clearly related that whatever affects the one affects the other.
16. Budgeting Time And Money/Time is like money in the bank if used correctly by investing it with wisdom
17. Universal Law/The orderliness of the world gives evidence that all natural laws are under the control of a universal law.