浅山一伝流 asayamaichiden
更新日 令和6年11月14日
技法の由来は、「浅山一傳流 指南 浅山理法流武術 師範 代表 宮本隆正先生」かつて坂井宇一郎師範にも学び坂井英二師範に長年月学んだ宮本隆正先生に、会津伝来の浅山一伝流を学んでいます。技法内容、技法の感覚について、宮本先生の技は力が入っていない迅速強力な技法です。
There are various theories, but Daito-ryu Aikijujutsu is thought to have been created by Takeda Sokaku Sensei as a reincarnation of Asayama Ichiden-ryu and other martial arts from the Tohoku region.
Since September 2022, irregular Asayama Ichiden-ryu Riho workshops have been held on Fridays at the Rakushinkan Hombu Dojo. By coming into contact with the techniques and spirit of our predecessors from the Edo and Meiji periods, we hope to contribute to the realisation of a peaceful and healthy local community as a warrior living in the modern.
The origin of the technique is Asayama Ichiden-ryu shinan Asayama Riho Ryu Bujutsu Shihan Representative Miyamoto Takamasa Sensei, who once studied under Uichiro Sakai Shihan and for many years under Eiji Sakai Shihan, and is learning the Asayama Ichiden-ryu from the Aizu tradition. With regard to the content of the techniques and the feeling of the techniques, Miyamoto sensei's techniques are quick and powerful techniques with no force.
Applicants for initiation are normally interviewed after contact. We prefer people who want to practise from the basics.
Practice Content
Body art: jodan, chudan, gedan, okuden, idori, true okuden
Iaijutsu and stick techniques
We received several enquiries, but please note that we do not offer the transmission of Okura Den Weapon Technique only.
Asayama Ichiden-ryu ryoho training sessions at Rakushinkan are available for a fee of 2,000 yen per session.
Training is held at any time in Hino City, Tokyo (Wed), Yuko Dojo (Fri) and Shirako-cho (Tue).