日大三高 同期会、フルート

日大三高 昭和44年度卒業 清水幸 
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New Year's mail, curious custome.

2006年12月24日 | Weblog
We Japanese have a custome to send mail to their friends or relatives when new year, the mail will arive at first of january.
Japanese are counting years by chinese style which categolize the year into 12 animals. 2006 was the year of dog and 2007 is the year of wild boar.
There are other year like , cat, cow, tiger, rabit,,,
We write the mails for new year not only the letters but with these animals illustration. I suppose it is intereing for th western people that Japanese writing direction is vertical.

Above is a new year mail of my father. he will wend more than 30. I will send more than 60. my wife also 60, it is big amount.

So I am now using microsoft ACCESS for wiring address, which can categolize the peole like friends, coleague, relatives. I can write contentes of mail according to the categoly.