

The End of Accounting?

The End of Accounting and the Path Forward for Investors and Managers (Wiley Finance)The End of Accounting and the Path Forward for Investors and Managers (Wiley Finance)
Baruch Lev Feng Gu

by G-Tools

この本(“The End of Accounting”)の著者(無形資産を研究している会計学者のようです)にインタビューした記事。

著者のひとりであるBaruch Lev教授(ニューヨーク大学)は、財務報告の廃止を求めているわけではありませんが(「過去を知ることにはなにがしかの重要性がある」)、過去は、将来何が起こるかについての比例的な情報をもたらすものではないといっています。

Although the title of the new book Baruch Lev has co-authored, “The End of Accounting,” provocatively suggests the finale of financial reporting as we know it, he cautions that he really isn’t calling for its absolute elimination.

“There is some importance in knowing the past,” he adds. “I don’t completely disregard it. But it doesn’t give you linear information about what will happen in the future.”


“What we are saying is that current financial reports don’t provide a clear guide with respect to the future. And that’s what we set out to change,” says Lev, referring to the book he wrote with Feng Gu, a professor of law and accounting at the University of Buffalo.


In their book, recently published by Wiley, the authors contend and attempt to prove that “those voluminous and increasingly complex quarterly and annual reports… [have] lost most of [their] usefulness to investors….” They cite the Financial Accounting Standards Board’s 700-plus-page 2014 revenue recognition standard as an example of such length and complexity.

時代遅れで冗長な規則があふれていることによる問題を分析するだけでなく、著者たちは、「戦略的資源・結果報告書(Strategic Resources and Consequences Report)」と名付けられた簡潔な開示文書の公表を提案しています。

Besides diagnosing the problems posed by the abundance of outdated and wordy rules, the authors propose that companies file a brief disclosure document they dub the “Strategic Resources and Consequences Report.”


Based mainly on non-accounting information, the report would focus on a company’s business model and execution of it. The document would highlight such “fundamental indicators” as Internet and telecom companies’ new-customer and churn rates; car insurers’ accident severity and frequency and policy-renewal rates; biotech and pharmaceutical company clinical trial results; and energy companies’ proven oil and gas reserves.

These indicators “are more relevant and forward-looking inputs than … traditional accounting information” like earnings and asset values, according to the book.


インタビューの抜粋の中では、Strategic Resources and Consequences Reportのもう少し詳しい説明などがなされています。いまの会計基準は、一つの基準をすべての業種に適用すべきという間違った前提に基づいているのだそうです。non-GAAP metricsを使うことへの疑念についても、答えています。




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