Is there one set of international accounting standards, or can each country choose its own when the going gets tough?
That is the important issue being sorted out now in Europe, where banks have taken widely divergent positions on valuations of Greek bonds.
Broadly speaking, there seems to be a consensus within countries. British banks were most willing to swallow bad medicine and admit the bonds were worth far less than par value. Some German banks were equally forthcoming, but others were less so. Italian banks seem to have done as little as they could, but did take write-downs. French banks went the farthest to find ways to act as if Greek bonds were just fine.
The first-half financial statements issued by the banks were unaudited, but they were reviewed by audit firms. The same firms ― well, firms with the same name ― seem to have signed off on wildly different ways of looking at the same underlying market for Greek bonds. In some cases there is enough disclosure for investors to try to adjust valuations, but in other cases there is not.
The situation is so chaotic that the chairman of the International Accounting Standards Board, Hans Hoogervoorst, wrote to European securities regulators in early August to protest that “it appears that some companies are not following” the relevant accounting rule, known as IAS 39. He did not name names, but there was no doubt he had the French banks in mind.
It has long been clear there is no common legal enforcement mechanism for international rules, but some hoped the audit firms would fill that role. In this very visible area, that did not happen.
記事の後半では、少しテクニカルな面まで解説しています。ギリシャ国債を「売却可能」(“available for sale” )に分類している(減損しているとみなされない限り評価損が損益に計上されない)こと、公正価値の算定方法、提案されているギリシャ国債の交換を巡る会計処理などを取り上げています。
In his letter, Mr. Hoogervoorst states that the fact that Greek bonds trade less frequently than they once did does not prove a market is inactive. “That is because when measuring fair value, the issue is not about the level of market activity per se, but about whether an observed transaction price represents fair value,” he wrote.
“IAS 39 is clear that unless there is evidence that the prices in those transactions do not represent fair value, for example, because those transactions are forced,” he added, “the observed transactions prices should be used to measure fair value.”