国際会計士連盟(IFAC)の次期会長に、韓国のIn-Ki Joo氏が選ばれたという記事。任期は2年間。
In-Ki Joo has been named as the new president of the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) and will serve a two-year term
韓国の Yonsei University School of Businessという大学院の会計学名誉教授で、2016年にIFACの副会長に選ばれていたそうです。
The incoming president is an emeritus professor of accounting at the Yonsei University School of Business in Korea and in 2016 was appointed as deputy to outgoing president Rachel Grimes.
Joo has previously served as president for the Confederation of Asian and Pacific Accountants, the Korean Accounting Association and the Korean Academic Society of Business Administration.
He was also a member of the advisory committee to the General Audit Bureau in the Republic of Korea and the president of the Korean Academy of Business Ethics.
He joined the IFAC board in November 2012.
Meanwhile Alan Johnson has been appointed as deputy president of IFAC after joining the board in November 2015.
Johnson was formerly director of global food retailer Jerónimo Martin SGPS and CFO of Unilever’s global foods business.
IFAC Names New President, Dr. In-Ki Joo of the Republic of Korea(IFAC)
A leading academic voice in accountancy, Dr. Joo is a Professor, Emeritus, of Accounting at the Yonsei University School of Business. He previously served as the Dean of the University College and the Dean of Academic Affairs at Yonsei University.
Dr. Joo’s commitment to serving and representing the profession is evident in his varied and deep leadership roles, including on the Board of LG Electronics and for the Korean Institute of Certified Public Accountants. Throughout his career, Dr. Joo has additionally served in top leadership positions at the Confederation of Asian and Pacific Accountants, the Korean Accounting Association, the Korean Academic Society of Business Administration, and the Korean Academy of Business Ethics.