The Financial Accounting Standards Board's new exposure draft on accounting for financial instruments, if adopted, could have adverse consequences for commercial banks, according to lobbyists and bank CFOs who are assessing its ramifications.
"The objective...is to provide financial statement users with a more timely, transparent, and representative depiction of an entity's exposure to risk from financial instruments," FASB says.
But commercial bankers say the rules are antithetical to the business model of holding on to a loan and collecting the payments rather than selling it to a third party. "Our business is not buy and sell," says Fisher. "If the cash flows are from the customer, there's no reason to have those market fluctuations. You don't want that craziness in your financial statements."
How banks would perform such valuations is also under question. "We have a $5 billion investment portfolio and we can value it using Bloomberg," says Michael Hagedorn, CFO of UMB Financial, a $12 billion (in assets) commercial bank. "But we would have to fair-value our loans using different discount rates and various assumptions, and I don't see how that improves transparency."
While bank CFOs don't think overall lending volume would be directly reduced, the fair-value rules could steer banks away from making long-term, fixed-rate loans. Such credits would have more variability in a mark-to-market scenario. And, indirectly, any negative adjustments in OCI from falling loan values would reduce a bank's total equity, which would potentially force it to cut back lending if the amount is large, Hagedorn says. In a tumbling financial market, hits to OCI could accelerate bank failures.
ローンの減損の処理に関するFASBの改正案については、賛成意見もあるようです。FASBの案は従来の発生損失モデル("incurred loss" model)から期待損失モデル("expected loss" model)に変更するというものですが、これにより、銀行は過去の景気サイクルから得られた実績データに依存しすぎないようになるかもしれません。
One aspect of the exposure draft is being greeted with a modicum of acceptance by banks. In trying to get banks to provide more-timely information on credit impairments, FASB aims to change the model banks use for accounting for credit losses. Fisher says this part of the exposure draft is a good thing. The traditional "incurred loss" model ― in which banks have to accrue losses if they are probable and reasonably estimable as of the date of the financial statement ― would be replaced by an "expected loss" model, in which banks would look forward and extrapolate their level of potential bad debts. The change might prevent banks from relying too much on historical data from previous economic cycles.