


HSBC drops KPMG for PwC



KPMG has held one of the most lucrative contracts in the FTSE 100 since 1991. Fees paid by HSBC to KPMG have fluctuated over the past few years, peaking at $87m in 2011, with the majority paying for audit services.


The bank said in statement to the stock exchange, "KPMG has confirmed that the circumstances connected with its ceasing to hold office are the holding of a competitive tender for the audit, in which KPMG was unsuccessful in retaining the audit. KPMG has confirmed that there are no other matters that need to be brought to the attention of the shareholders.”


PwC eyes deal with cloud platform


PwCは、クラウドをベースにしたデータ分析プラットフォームの会社 Rosslyn Analyticsの監査人を退任することを公表しました。将来、同社と共同事業を行う可能性があるそうです。

PwC announced that it has resigned its role as auditor of cloud-based data analytics platform Rosslyn Analytics and hinted at a potential business partnership in the future

会社も、PwCと共同事業契約締結に関する交渉を開始したことを公表しています。後任監査人はGrant Thornton。PwCの退任は利益相反を避けるためです。

In a statement to the stock market, Rosslyn said it had commenced discussions with PwC over a potential joint business arrangement. It has appointed Grant Thornton as auditors after PwC tendered its resignation to avoid any possible conflict of interest.


Manchester Building Society sues Grant Thornton for £49m

こちらは、Grant Thorntonが、金融商品を扱っているManchester Building Societyという相互会社から、49百万ポンドの損害賠償を求める訴訟を起こされたという記事。2006年から2013年までの期間の監査サービスなどに関連して、契約違反や過失などがあったと会社側は主張しています。

The building society has filed a negligence claim against Grant Thornton for more than £49m

The firm is being sued for breach of contract, negligence and breach of statutory duty relating to audit services and advice it provided to the Manchester Building Society (MBS) in the years from 2006 up to and including 2013. Grant Thornton resigned as MBS’s auditors in 2013. MBS said that if it is unable to reach a satisfactory agreement with Grant Thornton the matter will progress to a court hearing.

監督当局も、財務諸表の修正につながった金利スワップ契約をめぐって、Grant Thorntonに対する捜査を行っているそうです。

The Financial Reporting Council launched an investigation into Grant Thornton’s role as auditor of MBS in 2013 over interest rate swap arrangements. The interest rate swaps, relating to the MBS, gave rise to a prior period adjustment in the financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2012.

Barclays fails in £45m Grant Thornton claim

こちらは、Grant Thornton (GT)が Barclaysから訴えられていた裁判で、GTが勝ったという記事。

The High Court has found in favour of Grant Thornton (GT) in Barclays audit dispute

Barclaysは、同銀行の融資先であったVon Essen Hotels Group (VEH)の任意監査で過失があったと主張していました。同銀行は、VEHへの2億5千万ポンドの融資を継続するかどうかを決定する際に監査報告書を利用していました。

Barclays claimed GT was negligent as the bank relied on two of the firm’s non-statutory audits carried out for the Von Essen Hotels Group (VEH) in 2006 and 2007. Barclays used those reports in considering whether to continue to fund a £250m loan to VEH.


The bank said the reports failed to uncover fraudulent overstatements of VEH's financial position. This caused the bank financial loss when VEH became insolvent and couldn't repay the loan.


Grant Thornton, however, included a disclaimer in the reports that stated they were made solely to VEH's director and that GT did not accept responsibility to anyone other than VEH and its director for its audit work. Barclays argued that this disclaimer was unreasonable and therefore inapplicable.

Justice Cooke, however, said the “disclaimers in auditors' statutory reports is now well known and it is clear on the facts of this case that Barclays was well aware of this.” Furthermore Barclays was aware that Grant Thornton sought to limit its liability both financially and proportionately.


Justice Cooke added that, “Barclays did not engage or pay Grant Thornton for these two non-statutory reports. Barclays was, in one sense, therefore, seeking a free ride,”

PwC faces possible US legal action


British American Tabacco (BAT)は、17年に及ぶPwCとの監査契約を打ち切ることを公表しました。米国におけるPwCに対する訴訟が原因です。

British American Tabacco (BAT) is ending a 17-year audit relationship with PwC, after filing a suit against PwC over historic liabilities in the US

The British-based tobacco company said yesterday that it had agreed with PwC that it would put its audit out to tender for the period of 2015 onwards.

問題の訴訟は、同社の監査に関係するものではなく、Windward Prospectsという製紙会社の監査をめぐるものです。

The legal action is not related to PwC’s audit of the tobacco company, but rather from its audit of paper manufacturer Windward Prospects, a spokesperson confirmed.

BATとその米国子会社は、Wisconsin州の河川浄化費用に関して Windward社と長らく争っています。BATは、汚染に関係する8億ドルの損害賠償金をめぐり、近くWindward社の親会社やPwCなどを訴える予定です。

BAT and its US subsidiary BAT Industrys has a long-running dispute with Windward over the cost of cleaning up polluted rivers in Wisconsin. It is currently suing Windward’s parent company, Sequana, former directors and potentially its former advisors, PwC, over an $800m indemnity against claims relating to the pollution paid to BAT Industries by Windward.



KPMG replaces PwC at BAT



The appointment of KPMG means the firm saw off challenges from other rivals EY and Deloitte. Firms other than the Big Four had not been invited to tender.




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