

Can accounting firms mandate vaccines?


With the rollout of COVID-19 vaccines, public accounting firms and other employers are watching and waiting, determining how far they can go in encouraging staff to be vaccinated.


But the issue of how to handle the vaccine in workplaces nationwide could get dicey in the months ahead, depending on the unknowns: Will the number of coronavirus patients subside or continue to rise? Will the vaccines be effective in reducing pandemic patient numbers? Will employees who do not get vaccinated pose a threat to others in the workplace?


Employers might also worry about risks associated with workers’ compensation claims. “If you are mandating and someone has complications, it’s very likely that they would be able to demonstrate that they got the vaccine in order to work, and therefore a workers’ comp claim could be considered,” Spring said.


And perhaps the biggest unknown of all is this: Will state and federal lawmakers draft legislation limiting what employers can do regarding the vaccine? Legislative attempts have already been launched in some states, reported Bloomberg Law and other publications. In early February, North Dakota lawmakers introduced several bills attempting to block businesses from mandating employee COVID-19 vaccinations. Those bills were defeated, but the likelihood for legislative changes in any state is a moving target. “This has become a highly political issue,” Spring said.


In general, U.S. employers can mandate their workers get vaccinated, but most companies are encouraging rather than enforcing, unless they are in industries such as health care or food services where workers deal directly with a vulnerable public. Most CPAs are already working from home, making public accounting firms less inclined to issue such an order.


What’s more, there are exemptions to those mandates even if they are in place: If employees have religious beliefs against vaccines, or medical conditions that preclude them from safely getting vaccinated, employers who force them to do so as a condition of employment could be in violation of the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) or Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.


In addition, some people simply don’t want to get the vaccine, making organizations nervous about pressing the issue with staff. “For cultural reasons, some employers are not mandating the vaccine,” Walters said. “These employers have considered the pushback from employees who refuse to get the vaccine or oppose it generally, as well as the impact a mandate might have on company culture and employee morale.”


Establish a strong leadership plan きちんとした指針を設けて、遵守させること

Offer other options ワクチン以外の他の選択肢を与えること

Educate employees and be flexible 従業員に対して情報を提供して適切な判断ができるようにすること、また、ワクチン接種の際には、勤務時間などで柔軟対応すること

Lead the way 幹部が範を示すこと(率先してワクチン接種を行う)

Follow the law 法令に従うこと

Consult legal counsel 労働法に精通した法律顧問に相談すること、また、従業員からの訴訟の可能性も覚悟しておくこと






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