The chair of an influential select committee has called on HMRC officials and Treasury ministers to urgently examine an £84bn deal being brokered by Vodafone that is expected to avoid paying UK taxes.
Margaret Hodge, head of the public accounts committee, expressed concerns following confirmation that the British telecoms company is on the brink of a deal to sell its stake in Verizon Wireless. Reports claim that the firm will not have to pay any tax in Britain because it will take place through a Dutch holding company.
オランダの持株会社を通じた取引だから、英国では税金がかけられないということのようです。さらに、株式投資によるキャピタル・ゲインに課税しないというsubstantial shareholdings exemptionという規定が適用されるのではないかともみられています。
Robert Peston, the BBC's business editor, is among a number of commentators who have claimed that tax officials will not be entitled to any of the proceeds because the deal would involve the sale of a stake in a US group, whose holding company is in the Netherlands.
Vodafone could also take advantage of UK legislation known as substantial shareholdings exemption, which means companies do not have to pay capital gains tax on profits made from selling shares in another firm.
Now Vodafone will avoid tax on £84bn windfall after it agrees to sell 45% stake in US mobile company Verizon Wireless(英Dailymail紙より)
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2409231/Vodafone-avoid-tax-84bn-windfall-sells-45-Verizon-Wireless-stake.html#ixzz2dqIbNH4I
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