Dear Listeners,
MV Baltic Radio and Radio Gloria are on the air this Sunday the 5th of February 2012
MVBR Schedule for 9480 KHz with 1 KW:
Station Name Time Slot Programmes
Radio Gloria 0900 to 10.00 UTC (repeat from last month)
MV Baltic Radio 1000 to 1100 UTC The real music Station
MV Baltic Radio 1300 to 1400 UTC (repeat from 1000 UTC)
Please send all R Gloria reception reports to:
Please send all M.V.B.R reception reports to:
PS: Main Schedule for 9480 KHz for 2012:
1st Sunday MV Baltic Radio
3rd Sunday E M R
4th Sunday R Gloria
Technical Information for Receiving 9480 KHz:
The transmitter at Göhren is using A3H (carrier with upper side band) modulation.
If you use a normal AM - shortwave receiver, please tune exactly to 9480 KHz.
If you use a SSB - receiver, please tune to 9480 KHz, USB - mode.
This will give you the best results.
Good Listening 73s Tom