
BCL QSL情報&日記.雑談です。(時間は、JST &UTC使用)

TWR Europe QSL

2017年04月18日 | BCL

Dear Mr. Mentama,

Thank you for the reception report you have sent us along with two recordings of the signal you tuned in. Listening to your recordings, I could identify only the TWR Europe interval signal at the end. On behalf of Trans World Radio, I'm verifying your report with the attached eQSL card.

I enjoyed looking at the many photos you have sent us. Thank you also for your contribution to the postage.

I wish you God’s very best accomplished by Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.

Kind regards,
Kalman Dobos
Broadcast Monitoring | TWR

Thank you very much.Dear Kalman Dobos san


2017年04月18日 | BCL

以前と同じQSLですねJohn san Thank you very much.

Hello Kenji, thank you for your reception report of VORW Radio International! I appreciate the fact that you took the time to listen to the program, and to write to me regarding how the broadcast was received. 

Next week I will be designing a new E-QSL so future reception reports are appreciated. 

Listed below is some information regarding this broadcast, including the broadcast schedule and means to support this program. Your QSL is attached to this email.

VORW Radio International is the official External Service of TheReportOfTheWeek, whose mission is to provide an enjoyable light entertainment program over the airwaves. Programs consist of a short lecture at the beginning, followed by a selection of music, exclusively comprised of listener requested tunes. 

Programs have been continuously on the air since December 22nd, 2016 though they have been on shortwave sporadically since January of 2015. 

Here is the current transmission schedule:

Thursday 1200 UTC - 9875 kHz - To Japan / East Asia
Thursday 2000 UTC - 11580 kHz, 6855 kHz - To Europe
Friday 0000 UTC - 7490 kHz, 9395 kHz, 6855 kHz - To North America 

This program is a listener-funded initiative, financial support may be sent via Paypal to "rwobserver@gmail.com" 

I hope you have a nice day, 

John (VORW Radio)