Dear Friends,
Once again Radio Pushka will be on air, from Germany on 6070KHz, tomorrow, 18/12/2016. this time at 16:00UTC. (winter arrived).
It is a special edition dedicated to one special region in Russia.
Digital modes will be MFSK32 and SSTV Scottie 1.
Digital modes to start close to 16:54:30 UTC.
After the transmission, from 17:00 till 20:00 UTC there will be a group of Hams from Kalmikiya, Russia, calling CQ RP. They are making this special activation in support of Radio Puska.
Operation ?bands: 160m, 80m, 40m, 30m, 20m. CW, RTTY SSB.
Please answer the calls =D.
Hope you will like it.
Wish you all a Happy New year.
The next edition, on January will be confirmed as soon as it will be possible to us.
Please share the info with your friends
My best regards,