
BCL QSL情報&日記.雑談です。(時間は、JST &UTC使用)

Marconi Radio International on air tonight 14 March 2017, on 7700 kHz USB

2017年03月14日 | BCL
Marconi Radio International on air tonight 14 March 2017, on 7700 kHz USB

Please be advised that Marconi Radio International will be on the air tonight Tuesday, 14 March, from 1745 to 1945 on 7700 kHz USB Mode.

Reception reports with audio clips (mp3-file) are welcome and confirmed by QSL verification. Some lucky listeners will ALSO receive our printed QSL card, so don't forget to include your postal address. E-mail: marconiradiointernational (at) gmail.com

Our today's broadcast will include a DX show (Panorama Onde Corte) and Mailbag Corner (Casella Postale Elettronica) in Italian.

Last but not least, we need your help! If you are a DX blogger, or use social networks, please post an announcement on your own blog and/or Facebook or send out a tweet. You can also forward this message to a friend.

This should help increase our potential audience.

We hope to hear from a lot of shortwave listeners about our transmissions.

Best 73's

Marconi Radio International (MRI)


Marconi Radio International (MRI) sarà di nuovo in onda oggi martedì, 14 Marzo 2017, dalle 1745 alle 1945 UTC, su 7700 kHz (USB).

Per i vostri rapporti di ricezione scrivete a: marconiradiointernational (at) gmail.com La QSL elettronica è garantita a tutti, mentre la cartolina stampata solo ad alcuni fortunati ascoltatori. Non dimenticate quindi di includere anche il vostro indirizzo postale.

La trasmissione di oggi include il programma DX "Panorama Onde Corte" e la rubrica di contatto con gli ascoltatori "Casella Postale Elettronica".

Vi chiediamo infine, qualora abbiate un vostro blog dedicato al radioascolto od un profilo su Facebook o altro social network, di pubblicare un annuncio sulle nostre trasmissioni. In alternativa potreste inoltrare il presente messaggio ad un amico.

Cordiali saluti

Marconi Radio International (MRI)

Radio Prague QSL

2017年03月13日 | BCL

Radio Prague様 いつもお世話になっております。
今回のノベルティグッズは、キーホルダーなのか?そんな!疑問符が得意なRadio Pragueですね
自宅の備品がRadio Pragueの物が、多い ブルゾンも頂き、(大切に着ています。)

Radio Verdad QSL

2017年03月06日 | BCL

Station: Radio Verdad
Date: Jan,25,2017
Frequency: 4055 kHz LSB
Language: Spanish
Time: (UTC)12:44-13:00
Station: Chiquimula
Reception report ship date:E-mail Mar,03,2017
Reply fee: 
Reply date: E-mail Mar,06,2017
Replyitems: E-QSL card & program schedule & Many photos

Dr. Édgar Amílcar Madrid 感謝致します。

Voice of Turkey QSL

2017年03月06日 | BCL

Station: Voice of Turkey QSL
Date: Jan,28,2017
Frequency: 6050kHz
Language: English
Time: (UTC)19:30-20:00
Station: Emirler
Reception report ship date:Airmail Jan,29,2017
Reply fee: 
Reply date: Airmail Mar,06,2017
Replyitems: QSL card & program schedule & coaster & calendar


Radio Free Asia QSL card NASWA Winter SWL 30th anniversary

2017年03月04日 | BCL

Dear friends,
Attached is the information about our new QSL card; this design commemorates the 30th anniversary of the NASWA Winter SWL.
We hope you enjoy this new QSL card and we look forward to receiving your reception reports through our automated reception report system at http://techweb.rfa.org, by email to qsl<at>rfa.org, or by snail mail.
Please see the attached PDF press release for more details.
You are receiving this because you have expressed interest in Radio Free Asia's QSL cards. Please let us know if you prefer to be removed from our distribution list. 
Best regards, 
Harry Scott
Radio Free Asia

VORW Radio International QSL

2017年03月03日 | BCL

Station: VORW Radio International
Date: Mar,02,2017
Frequency: 5850kHz
Language: English
Time: (UTC)14:30-14:44
Station: Okeechobee
Reception report ship date:E-mail Mar,02,2017
Reply fee: 
Reply date: E-mail Mar,03,2017
Replyitems: E-QSL card & program schedule


Please tune in next Thursday (March 9th) if you have the time, to observe reception of 5850 kHz as well as a test transmission via Uzbekistan on 12085 kHz at 1200 UTC. Transmitter power for the Uzbekistan test is 100 kW and the target for the transmission is Japan.


2017年03月03日 | BCL

Date: Feb,28,2017
Frequency: 9920kHz
Language: Sadri
Time: (UTC)14:30-14:44
Station: Yerevan-Gavar
Reception report ship date:E-mail Feb,28,2017
Reply fee: 
Reply date: E-mail Mar,03,2017
Replyitems: E-QSL card & pdf-program schedule



2017年03月02日 | BCL

Date: Jan,10,2017
Frequency: 9940kHz
Language: Lingala- French
Time: (UTC)19:20-19:50
Station: Manzini
Reception report ship date: Air-mail Jan,11-2017
Reply fee:$3 
Reply date: E-mail Mar,02,2017
Replyitems: pdf-E-QSL card

