∞開運ひとりごと♪~強運人生一本道∞ ☆(・∀・)!



2014-07-06 | ツイッターでつぶやき


朝夕の食事はうまからずともほめて食うべし。伊達政宗 #meigen #名言



Those who are grateful to everything are life's victors. by masaharu taniguchi

Each mornig,fill your mind with bright thoughts. It is the mornig hour that shapes the way. by masaharu taniguchi

The accumulation of small good deeds is important to your happiness. by masaharu taniguchi

Let the light shine in your mind. God is the source of all light! by masaharu taniguchi

It is when your share it with others that love will blossom like a truly beautiful flower. by masaharu taniguchi

The source of all power is the grateful mind. by masaharu taniguchi

When parents respect their children<they will in turn be respected by their children. by masaharu taniguchi

It is when you work for the happiness of all that eternal prosperity will be yours. by masaharu taniguchi

Gratitude between husband and wife is the foundation of a child's education. by masaharu taniguchi

Fresh opportunity always awaits the one who constantly strives to help others. by masaharu taniguchi

Prosperity is the result of many acts of love repeated over and over again. by masaharu taniguchi

In the face of love there is no adversary. Everyone becomes a friend. by masaharu taniguchi

The negative will surely change to the positive. by masaharu taniguchi

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